Here’s how to deal with some of the most embarrassing aspects of living with the condition. Gas in people with Crohn’s may occur as a result of inflammation in the digestive tract, says Paul Lebovitz, MD, a gastroenterologist with West Penn Allegheny Health System in Pittsburgh. “Whenever you have active inflammation of the gut, it changes the natural milieu of the bacteria that live there,” Dr. Lebovitz says. “When you change the bacteria, it can change the gas pattern.” The inflammation may also disrupt signals to the brain from the enteric nervous system, the group of nerves that control digestion. This can stimulate the body to rid itself of excess gas, even when none is there. Many people with Crohn’s disease can also experience small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth, a condition involving too many bacteria in that part of the digestive system. As these bacteria break down food residue, they can produce gas. For some people, Crohn’s symptoms include the loss of muscle control in the anus, which can make it easier for gas to slip out. “The first thing these patients lose strength on is [controlling] gas,” Lebovitz says. Though there’s no specific Crohn’s diet to make gas go away, smart eating strategies can help you minimize the problem. Some things to consider include:

Limit the milk-based products you eat if you have lactose intolerance.Keep fruit portions small, too. “You wouldn’t want to sit down with a whole watermelon,” Lebovitz says.Set limits on your portions of other gas-causing foods, such as broccoli, beans, carbonated drinks, and alcoholic beverages like beer, per Mayo Clinic.Avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame and most of the sugar alcohols, as well as fat substitutes like Olestra, which can contribute to gas production.Avoid high-fat foods, which can keep the stomach full for longer periods, causing uncomfortable bloating, notes Mayo Clinic.

And while there has been scant information available for how people with Crohn’s can use diet to help with remission or guard against inflammation triggers, the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America announced in March 2016 that they’d received $2.5 million from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to study the effectiveness of a specific carbohydrate diet and a Mediterranean-style diet on people with Crohn’s disease participating in clinical trials. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, whole grains, and olive oil, and limiting the intake of red and processed meat. The Specific Carbohydrate diet is an eating plan that restricts most carbs and processed food. In a press release, James Lewis, MD, a professor of medicine and a senior scholar at the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia, says the study “will open the door to more holistic treatment of Crohn’s disease and provide high-quality data and guidance for incorporating diet modifications into the treatment of IBD.”

2. Minimize Bathroom Emergencies

Crohn’s patients know the feeling — the “gotta go” moment — that comes out of nowhere. Fear of needing to use the bathroom often keeps people with Crohn’s from venturing far from home. But a little strategizing can reduce the need for frequent pit stops. Try avoiding food in the hours right before you leave the house, and try taking over-the-counter antidiarrheal medications — they might reduce the urgency of bowel movements. “We want patients to get back to their lives,” Lebovitz says. “We don’t want this disease to stop them from doing the things they want to do.” But even if you’ve mapped out all the nearby bathrooms, sometimes they’re just not close enough. If you’re heading to a park or another outdoor destination, consider wearing incontinence products for discreet protection in the event of an emergency. It’s also smart to carry an extra set of clothes and disposable wipes to help you clean up.

3. Nix Sudden Nausea

When a bout of nausea arises, all you can do is get to a bathroom as quickly as possible. If you’re in a car, pull over. If you’re on a bus, you can ask the driver to pull over. But for other modes of transportation it may not be that easy. Always carry a brown paper bag (so you’re not getting sick on anyone’s shoes) and disposable toothbrush — just in case. Avoid foods that are high in fat, such as cheesy pizza, fried foods (french fries, onion rings), and fatty meats, which can lead to nausea.

4. Plan Ahead for Dietary Restrictions

It’s never fun to be the odd one out. It may be difficult feeling like you’re always the picky eater of the group at a restaurant — or anywhere food is involved, for that matter. But friends and family should understand how important it is for you to eat the right foods for your Crohn’s. It could also be helpful to track your digestion, symptoms and diet through mobile apps. If you’ll be out for the day or on a long road trip, bring your own food, such as easy-to-pack sandwiches and snacks, so you don’t have to make special stops for Crohn’s-suitable cuisine. Additional reporting by Ali McPherson.