Indeed, whether you’re dealing with a chronic gastrointestinal problem or not, the holidays are famous for stirring up gastrointestinal woes in the form of gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. Sugar is known to promote inflammation, and research suggests it may do so by disrupting the healthy balance of gut microbiota — both by increasing the abundance of “bad” bacteria and by decreasing quantities of “good” bacteria. But that doesn’t mean you need to deprive yourself of the wonderful treats available during the festivities. It just means you should consider your choices carefully. By putting these four simple practices into place, you can help keep your gut in check throughout the season.

1. Recognize the Triggers

From eggnog to latkes and prime rib to pie, many of the most popular holiday foods (and drinks) deliver hefty doses of fat and sugar and can trigger gut problems, says Levi Teigen, PhD, RD, assistant professor in the division of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the University of Minnesota Medical School. If you consume them frequently or in large portions or add alcohol to the mix, the potential for problems increases further. Consider eggnog: A recent review by Consumer Reports found that a 4-ounce serving of this holiday drink contains about 9 grams of fat, including 5 grams of saturated fat, and 13 to 16 grams of added sugar, which is a quarter of the recommended daily saturated fat intake and considerably more than half of the daily sugar recommendation, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Gut-friendly alternatives? Low-fat eggnogs, plant-based varieties such as those made with almond or cashew milk, or kefir eggnog, Dr. Tiegen says, explaining that fermented dairy products like kefir and yogurt contain microbes that help improve tolerance to these dairy-containing foods, as compared with similar nonfermented versions (e.g., milk), in people with lactose intolerance. Kefir has also been shown to benefit the gut microbiome.

2. Limit Food Portions

Rather than loading up your plate in an all-you-can-eat fashion, Teigen recommends the Health Eating Plate method, which not only helps with portion control but also correlates with minimizing trigger foods and maximizing gut-friendly foods. The basic rule of thumb: Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit, one-quarter with protein, and one-quarter with carbs. Take it to the next level (if not during the holidays then in your regular life) by filling the protein section with fish, poultry, or even beans, rather than red or processed meat, and spooning whole grains into the carb section. “The key is moderation. Too much of anything is never good, and that applies to eating and drinking during the holidays,” Teigen says. “That doesn’t mean you can’t indulge, just try to do so in moderation.” Indeed, overeating in general can cause a variety of digestive problems, such as gas, bloating and heartburn. Eating too many trigger foods, such as saturated fats and sugar, further increases the risk of trouble. It can take 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that you’re full. One way to ensure that you don’t overeat is to practice mindful eating, paying attention to every bite of food and putting your fork down in between bites. Another tip: Hydrate. When you’re done filling your plate with gut-friendly foods, drink a glass of water during or after the meal; it aids in digestion.

3. Pay Attention to Fiber

“Fiber can really help keep things balanced in the midst of everything else going on during the holiday stress, disrupted routines, and late nights,” Teigen says. He recommends incorporating the following fiber-rich foods into your diet over the holidays:

OatmealFruits (especially bananas and berries)Cooked vegetablesNuts or nut buttersYogurt with fruit or 1 or 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds or chia seeds

If you’re bringing a dish to a holiday party, prepare one that is rich in soluble fiber, such as Brussels sprouts, green beans, or sweet potatoes.

4. Keep Stress at Bay and Stay Active

“The holidays are a stressful time of year, and there’s an intimate relationship between stress, anxiety, and gut health,” Teigen says. Research shows that diet, stress, and mood can impact the gut microbiome. Staying active is an excellent way to decrease stress, by increasing the production of endorphins, chemical signals in the brain that promote well-being. Exercise also helps support a healthy gut and aids in digestion. Teigen says, “Go to the gym, take a walk, or get outside with family, friends, and loved ones.”