Below are five IBD-friendly ways to incorporate pumpkin puree into your fall meal menu.

1. Layered Into a Protein-Packed Greek Yogurt Parfait

Give your Greek yogurt an upgrade by layering it with pumpkin puree, sweetened with a drop of honey. Many flavored yogurts contain more sugar than you would add on your own, in addition to undesirable additives, but by using plain Greek yogurt as your base instead, you can control the ingredients and amount of sugar added. Greek yogurt is rich in protein, a nutrient that is essential when recovering from an IBD flare, in order for the body to heal and repair damaged tissues. Greek yogurt differs from traditional-style yogurt in that the liquid portion is strained out, leaving behind a more concentrated source of protein with a thicker and creamier consistency. Greek yogurt also happens to be a good source of calcium to help build and maintain bone density. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), people with IBD have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis as a result of reduced calcium and vitamin D absorption, the use of certain commonly prescribed medications that may contribute to bone loss, and reduced calcium intake during flares. Additionally, Greek yogurt is a fermented food, meaning it contains probiotics to help populate the gut with friendly bacteria.

2. Blended Into a Flavorful Hummus Dip

Whole beans and legumes can be difficult to digest when you have IBD, but blending them into dips like hummus breaks them down, allowing you to reap all of their nutritional benefits. For example, the resistant starch and soluble fiber in beans break down into short-chain fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and are beneficial to your gut microbiome, according to research published in Nutrients in 2021. Pumpkin puree adds a subtle sweetness to dips like hummus, and by adding different ingredients to complement the pumpkin flavor, you can make sweet or savory versions for an easy-to-digest snack. Whip up a pumpkin pie dessert hummus to enjoy with peeled apple slices or graham crackers, or spread a savory version onto rice cakes or toast for a prebiotic boost. Your taste buds and gut microbes will thank you.

3. As a Creamy Soup Base

Turn your can of pumpkin puree into a creamy soup base. The end result will be a warming, cozy soup loaded with carotenoids like beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. According to research published in Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme in May 2022, vitamin A plays an important role in regulating the body’s immune response, protecting the tissues lining the gut, and lowering inflammation. Additionally, since vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, those with fat malabsorption as a result of their IBD may be low in this essential nutrient, according to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. Increasing your intake of beta-carotene and vitamin A–rich foods can help you meet your needs, and adding a drizzle of healthy fats to your soup, such as olive oil, can help you absorb more of the beta-carotene found in pumpkin puree. Further, pumpkin puree is naturally creamy and can replace some or all of the heavy cream or butter in soup recipes, helping eliminate excess saturated fat. Research published in September 2022 in Gut found that diets high in saturated fat are associated with a less diverse gut microbiome and may promote dysbiosis, an unhealthy balance of microbes living in the gut. By using pumpkin puree as your soup base, you’ll end up with a flavorful soup that is both heart-healthy and gut-friendly. Try the pumpkin soup recipe from The Clean Eating Couple.

4. Mixed Into a Cozy Pasta Sauce

Add a seasonal spin to your marinara sauce by heating it in a saucepan with a few tablespoons of pumpkin puree, a pinch of nutmeg, and some sage. Toss in your favorite pasta, pasta alternative, or spaghetti squash for the perfect warming dinner to enjoy on a crisp fall evening. For additional nutrition, add some sautéed greens (like baby spinach) and cooked butternut squash to your pumpkin pasta dish. You’re more likely to tolerate these vegetables when they’re well cooked, as the cooking process softens their texture, making them more digestible.

5. Blended Into a Refreshing Smoothie

Spice up your morning smoothie with a little pumpkin puree. Simply blend a frozen banana with some pumpkin puree, pumpkin spice, a tablespoon of almond butter, almond milk, plain Greek yogurt, and a dash of vanilla extract. Pumpkin puree adds a boost of potassium, an electrolyte needed to support proper fluid balance and muscle contraction. Since the colon plays a key role in maintaining the potassium balance in the body, those with active ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease affecting the colon may become deficient, according to the NIH. Additionally, corticosteroids like prednisone, which are commonly used to quiet IBD flares, can lead to increased potassium excretion, further depleting this important nutrient. And one cup of pumpkin puree contains more potassium than a large banana, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, so adding some pumpkin puree to your smoothies along with other potassium-rich foods, like bananas, can help prevent a deficiency. Aside from providing an easy-to-digest source of key vitamins and minerals, smoothies are also an excellent way to replenish fluids and promote hydration. Try the pumpkin pie smoothie from Ambitious Kitchen.