“The wrong laundry product can be a real nightmare for someone with eczema,” says Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD, a dermatologist and an assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. “Some laundry products have chemicals that can be irritating to the skin, and any irritation to the skin can trigger eczema,” Dr. Cohen says. This can lead to itching, burning, redness, and other symptoms, according to the National Eczema Association. While laundry products may not be the biggest eczema triggers, they are potential contributors, says Peter Lio, MD, a dermatologist, a cofounder of the Chicago Integrative Eczema Center, and a board member for the National Eczema Association. “When we’re trying to get irritated skin calmed down, every little bit can help. So it is often worthwhile to get the low-hanging fruit, so to speak, and that includes laundry products,” Dr. Lio says. Everyone’s skin is different, so an irritant for you may have no effect on someone else. A little trial and error may be necessary to learn what works best for your skin. Follow these steps to make sure you’re washing your clothes in an eczema-friendly way. Going by a sniff-test or seeing “unscented” won’t cut it. “It’s especially challenging for people to identify, because the detergent itself generally has no scent, so it is important to be aware of this distinction,” adds Cohen. Other things to look out for are dyes, which may be problematic for eczema-prone skin, Lio says, as well as the word “hypoallergenic.” “There are now a number of products that are noted to be ‘hypoallergenic,’ but this is actually not a standardized term, and companies can use it without proving anything, so we have to be careful with that designation as it can be misleading,” says Lio.

2. Always Run New Clothes Through the Wash

“Many new clothing articles have finishing sprays and chemicals that can be highly irritating,” says Lio. Some of those chemicals may not be listed on manufacturers’ websites. There is a lack of published research on the subject, but scientists at Stockholm University in Sweden tested 60 new garments and identified about 100 chemicals on the clothes that could be irritating to the skin; manufacturers didn’t disclose these chemicals. Play it safe by washing new clothing with a double rinse cycle before wearing, Lio says. “I have a case that I will never forget — a young man developed a terrible, itchy rash over most of his body that I just couldn’t control,” he recalls. “We did patch testing and found that he was allergic to formaldehyde, which is used in “wrinkle-free” clothing sometimes, and he had been wearing these new jogging suits; once we got rid of those, his skin totally cleared.” RELATED: The Right Way to Take a Shower or Bath When You’re Managing Eczema

3. Don’t Over-Soap Your Clothes

The Eczema Foundation recommends using only the amount of detergent suggested on the label — or less — so a residue of soap doesn’t linger. “It is generally best to use products as the label recommends,” says Cohen. Also, if you use a laundry pod or tablet, you may get stuck with more detergent than you need for your particular load, the Eczema Foundation notes; it might be best to opt for a nonpod liquid detergent.

4. Don’t Overload the Machine

Loading your washer with just the right amount of clothing means the laundry detergent will dissolve correctly. “It’s always a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for your appliances,” says Lio. Why? “Overfilling the machine could allow for ineffective cleaning, and that could leave residual detergent on the clothing, which would be very unwelcome,” Lio adds.

5. Let the Rinse Cycle Run

It’s important to let the detergents rinse away from your clothes to avoid contact with your skin. You may even want to double-rinse your clothes. “I do think that double rinsing can be helpful for some and is worth trying,” says Lio. That said, if you don’t have a flare-up, you could skip the step. “Once things are going well with the skin, many families do not need to double rinse, although some do this in perpetuity,” Lio adds. A key point: “As long as the right detergent is used, a double rinse shouldn’t be needed,” says Cohen. Because of this, use the amount of detergent as specified on your product label (and no more). Also, wear gloves when using soaps or detergents of any kind, such as when hand-washing clothes or doing the dishes, Lio says.

7. Skip Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets

“Fabric softener and dryer sheets are almost always fragranced, which can trigger eczema,” says Cohen. “In addition, these products introduce more chemicals that someone could potentially be allergic to,” Cohen adds. Fabric softeners may contain methylisothiazolinone, a common allergen that can cause real trouble for the skin, says Lio. When in doubt, avoid both fabric softener and dryer sheets. One past study found that fabric softeners helped some people with dry skin because they made clothes soft to the touch (thus causing less friction on the skin). Instead of going the fabric softener route, consider buying clothes made of softer fabrics (more on that below!).

8. Don’t Starch Your Clothes

Just as fabric softeners and dryer sheets can be irritating for some with eczema, so too can spray starches that make your clothing stiff. “Starching can be problematic for people with eczema, as the chemicals in the starch spray can be irritating,” says Cohen.

Try These Dermatologist-Approved Laundry Products for Eczema

If you’re wandering down the laundry aisle not sure what detergent to buy, consider these products.

One Last Thing About Clothes When You’re Managing Eczema

Whichever detergent you choose, remember that it’s important to pay attention to what works for you and your skin. That also goes for clothing fabric. “Generally, softer fabrics such as cotton that are gentle on skin will be most comfortable for people with eczema, while most people with eczema find wool clothing or rough clothing irritating, so it is generally advisable to avoid those,” says Cohen. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests steering clear of synthetic fabrics like polyester, which may trigger eczema flare-ups. Keep a close eye on whether a fabric, product, or laundry approach might be an eczema trigger, and be sure to follow other best practices for managing your eczema symptoms and avoiding triggers.