A number of factors can affect how likely you are to sweat, including the type of hyperhidrosis you have, your emotional state, and the temperature and humidity of the environment you’re in. All these considerations play a role in whether your sweating tends to change, or mostly stay the same, from season to season. “I would say that most people tend to sweat less when it’s colder outside,” says Temitayo Ogunleye, MD, an assistant professor of clinical dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia. But this isn’t true for everyone. “People who don’t seem to see that much of a difference with their sweating are those who experience more situational sweating,” says Dr. Ogunleye. This type of hyperhidrosis can be triggered by public speaking and other situations with the potential to provoke anxiety. In addition, she says, people who have hyperhidrosis that mainly affects their hands and feet tend to sweat more consistently year-round. But for people who experience excessive sweating that’s related more to the environment, a number of strategies may help you stay dry as you navigate the seasons.

Seasonal Strategies for Sweating Less

From strategic clothing choices to medical treatments, these options can help you sweat less, or manage your sweating more effectively, as the seasons change.

1. Wear layers in the winter.

Layering your clothing is one of the most effective strategies for staying comfortable when you encounter frequent swings in temperature — which can be especially common during the winter. “I do layer more often when I’m out and about,” says Maria Thomas, a Colorado resident who works as a marketing coordinator and blogs about living with hyperhidrosis at My Life as a Puddle. “As my temperature fluctuates, I put things on or take them off.” Workplaces in particular, Thomas notes, often range in temperature from one area to another, and there may be situations at work that are beyond your control — such as meetings, where you can’t easily use a fan to cool off or a towel to dry yourself. So it can be especially important to wear layers that you can remove at a moment’s notice.

2. Consider cooling devices in the summer.

While the particular item you choose might cause some heads to turn, wearing a cooling device such as a personal fan or a cooling necklace can make a big difference for people with hyperhidrosis, especially on hot summer days. A cooling necklace is  a string of beads that you might soak in cold water or keep in the freezer until you need to wear it. You can also wear a battery-powered fan around your neck. Thomas sometimes wears such aids around her neck while playing golf or attending outdoor events like farmers’ markets and music festivals. “It’s more normal,” she says, “to see people wear stuff like that in those types of environments.”

3. Ditch your heavy coat when possible in the winter.

“I hate going into stores in the wintertime,” says Thomas, “because then I’m walking around with a big bulky coat. So half the time I’ll leave my coat in the car, just so I don’t have to worry about taking it off and holding it in my sweaty hands.” You may also want to consider alternatives to traditional winter coats, Thomas suggests, such as a zip-up fleece or a puffy vest. In a grocery store, you can always take off your coat and other layers and store them in your shopping cart.

4. Exercise indoors when it’s hot (or cold) outside.

Ogunleye says that many of her patients turn to indoor exercise when it’s hot out. But this strategy can also help in the winter, when the need to bundle up for outdoor activities can contribute to excessive sweating. In addition, if you visit a gym or health club to exercise, you can scout out the location for areas where it may be easier to keep cool. “In group exercise classes,”says Ogunleye, “there’s usually a part of the room that tends to be cooler because it’s next to a fan or cooling element.” If you do exercise outdoors in the summer, Thomas recommends that you schedule your workout for the early morning or late evening to avoid the worst of the heat.

5. Use a scarf to your advantage in the winter.

A scarf can be a helpful part of your layering strategy to stay warm in the winter, Thomas says. But it can also be useful to help conceal unavoidable sweating. “If it’s big enough,” Thomas notes, “you can actually wrap the scarf around the top of your shoulders, kind of like a shawl, and that can help hide underarm sweat.” Also, if you carefully choose the fabric and (darker) color of your scarf, it can double as a towel in a pinch to absorb sweat from your neck or hands.

6. Wear light, moisture-wicking fabrics in the summer.

While cotton fabrics are popular in the summer because they feel light and cool, they can actually retain sweat, says Ogunleye, and end up feeling wet and heavy. As an alternative, many of her patients choose synthetic fabrics designed to wick moisture away and dry quickly. “Especially if people are getting sweaty when they’re exercising,” Ogunleye says, “these types of materials tend to breathe better.” Thomas finds that light, breathable fabrics worn in certain areas — such as shorts underneath a skirt — can absorb sweat and minimize dripping that might otherwise occur if  the area was left bare.

7. Have backup clothing items ready in the winter.

Having extra clothing staples on hand can be helpful at any time of the year, but especially when it comes to sweaters and sport coats during the winter. “I’ll come back from a meeting and be super sweaty,” says Thomas, “so I’ll take off my blazer or cardigan. But then after a while I get cold again.” At that point, it can be more comfortable to have a fresh, sweat-free layer to throw on. Heavy winter shoes and boots can also cause your socks to get sweatier in the winter than at other times of the year. Carrying backup socks allows you to change them as needed.

8. Consider seasonal changes to your medical treatments.

Changes in the way you sweat during different seasons can inform not just your clothing or exercise habits but also your treatment strategy for hyperhidrosis. This means that you may use a prescription or over-the-counter antiperspirant or other types of medication only during those times of the year when your sweating is especially bad. Ogunleye says that her patients “tend to dose based on their own symptoms,” meaning that they may reduce the dose or frequency of use of a prescribed treatment according to an agreed-on plan. Often, Ogunleye says, “they rely on treatment during the warmer seasons, and when it starts getting cooler they stop using it as frequently.” If you’re using an antiperspirant or another type of medication for your hyperhidrosis, or considering adding one to your treatment plan, talk to your doctor about the potential benefits and disadvantages of using it intermittently or on an as-needed basis during certain times of the year.