“It’s wonderful that we’re finding creative ways to use plants to make our foods more delicious and interesting,” says Sara Haas, RDN, a culinary dietitian in Chicago. While some newer sugars tout antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it’s important to remember they still count as added sugar in your diet — and should be limited to no more than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake, per the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. So for a 2,000-calorie daily diet, that would be about ¼ cup of added sugar, which may seem like a lot, but adds up quickly in foods. Want the scoop on a handful of newer sweeteners? Here you go!

1. Date Syrup Can Be a Good Alternative for Agave and Honey Lovers

This sweetener is made from dates, offers rich caramel notes, and boasts some nutrients, says Sharon Palmer, RDN, author of Plant-Powered for Life, who is based in Bradbury, California. In a 1 tablespoon (tbsp) serving, for example, you’ll get 2 grams (g) of fiber, as well as a very small amount of potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous. Nutrition info from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that calorie for calorie, it’s about the same as agave syrup and honey — but with slightly less sugar than both, making it a somewhat better choice for people with diabetes, although moderation is still key. “I like date syrup as a sweetener in smoothies, granola bars, and even some baked goods,” says Haas. RELATED: A Detailed Guide to Honey and Its Possible Health Benefits

2. Molasses Provides an Earthy Flavor in Pork Dishes

What’s old is new when it comes to sweeteners — and more and more chefs are using molasses, which Haas says offers an earthy taste. “Light molasses is a flexible option, but dark molasses boosts flavor more and pairs well with strong spices, like ginger, cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg, in baked goods like gingerbread cookies as well as BBQ sauces,” says Michele Redmond, RDN, a culinary nutritionist in Scottsdale, Arizona. Pick up a bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce, and it might very well be made with molasses! “Blackstrap molasses is less sweet and the most concentrated option, but its smoky and bitter flavors limit it as a substitute,” adds Redmond. “It shines in baked beans, dark breads, and some pork dishes.” The blackstrap variety offers minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, according to the USDA.

3. Monk Fruit Extract Is a Creative Way to Sweeten Your Coffee

“Originally, non-nutritive sweeteners were predominantly used to decrease the sugar content of sweet foods for people with diabetes or people looking to cut calories and lose weight,” says Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club, who is based in Green Brook, New Jersey. “Over the years, many new options have emerged as consumers continually evolve their taste preferences and perceptions about which sweeteners are acceptable. Naturally derived sweeteners such as monk fruit have gained popularity recently with the rise of the clean-eating trend.” When it comes to sweetening with monk fruit, a little goes a long way because it has a high sweetening power. “Monk fruit extract can be found in many different forms, from syrups to crystals that are similar to table sugar,” says Amanda Hibshman, RDN, who is in private practice in San Diego. “So it has different culinary applications, from baking to using it in your coffee.” RELATED: The Best and Worst Sweeteners for Weight Loss

4. Coconut Sugar Makes for a Great Substitute for Sugar in Baking

This sweetener naturally contains a small amount of potassium and comes from the nectar of the coconut tree’s palm blossom. Compared with table sugar, it has 19 less calories per tbsp — and a one-teaspoon serving is considered FODMAP friendly (meaning it may help with digestion) and a safer option for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). “It has a lower glycemic index than traditional table sugar, so it may be a better alternative for people with diabetes, though research is mixed on this,” says Mary Ellen Phipps, MPH, RDN, who is in private practice in Houston. “I advise clients to try it and see how blood sugar levels respond. Some people notice a difference and others do not.” In baking, you can sub it cup for cup for table sugar, Phipps says.

5. Sugar Alcohols Such as Erythritol Are Good Options for People Managing Diabetes

“Naturally found in fruits, sugar alcohols are a fabulous option to provide sweetness to foods without [as many] added calories,” says Harris-Pincus. “But not all are the same. Anyone who has ever eaten too much sugar-free candy knows it can cause some unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects. That’s because the sorbitol traditionally used to sweeten candies can have a laxative effect.” These days, you’ll often find erythritol on ingredient labels, such as those of ice cream–like products. “It tends to be better tolerated than other sugar alcohols because most of it is absorbed in the small intestine,” says Harris-Pincus. “So only a small amount reaches the colon, reducing its laxative effect. As with anything, tolerance will vary with individuals and portion size is an important factor.” Erythritol is found in granular and powdered form and can be used for baking or sweetening beverages. According to the American Diabetes Association, sugar alcohols, including erythritol, can be good for people with diabetes because they contain fewer calories and affect blood sugar less than traditional sugar. RELATED: The 5 Best Sugar Substitutes for People With Type 2 Diabetes

6. Fruits as Sweeteners Offer Extra Nutrients That Your Body Needs

More and more, you’ll see yogurts sweetened with just fruit and spices, as well as snack bars made with just fruit and no added sugar. “Consumers are pushing for more natural products, so using fruit as a sweetener is certainly an attractive option,” says Harris-Pincus. “The bonus is some extra vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants contained in the whole fruit, versus the sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup often found in processed foods.” In your own home, try sweetening a homemade smoothie or a yogurt parfait with just fruit — as well as a dash of cinnamon or unsweetened cocoa powder for additional sweetness, if you desire.

7. Tapioca Syrup Can Make for a Good Alternative to Corn Syrup

Made from cassava, this natural sweetener has a neutral taste. Redmond says it’s available in several varieties, some with calorie counts close to that of agave syrup and honey, and some with about 20 calories less per tbsp. “For sweetness, tapioca syrup can work as a corn syrup replacer,” says Redmond. Think of substituting tapioca syrup in recipes for homemade lollipops, for example. “Some versions tend to be a bit more viscous, which is good for binding certain baked goods like granola bars.” RELATED: Which Sugars Are Good for You — and Which Ones to Avoid

8. Invert Sugar Offers a Smooth Mouth Feel in Baked Goods

“If you’ve eaten jam, sorbet, or ice cream, you’ve likely eaten invert sugar without knowing it,” says Redmond. “Invert syrup is simply sugar that’s split into liquid fructose and glucose by an enzyme or acid. Because jam often has sugar and an acidic ingredient, invert sugar is an ingredient. If you like to make ice creams, sorbets, caramels, and hard candies, make invert sugar a pantry staple, since it helps prevent and control crystallization of these and gives them a smoother mouth feel.” In baked goods, there could be a benefit to using invert sugar over table sugar. In a study published in March 2018 in the Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, cake made with invert sugar lost about 20 percent of its sugar content through the baking process — while cake made with table sugar lost only about 6 percent of its sugar content. Invert sugar is also helpful for making candies. Hibshman says homemade simple syrup, made with heated water and sugar, contains a level of invert syrup.

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