Don’t be intimidated by pro cyclers you may see on your local bike paths. While there’s no shortage of pricey cycling gear (and bicycle options) out there, all you need to get a good sweat in is a bike, a well-fitting helmet, and a plan. “Although boosting cycling performance and efficiency is important when you begin riding more, the first and best rule at any level is to have fun,” says Garret Seacat, CSCS, a USA Cycling–certified cycling coach based in Manhattan, Kansas. “For many people, cycling starts with recapturing the enjoyment of cycling.” Here are some top tips from Seacat and other cycling experts, along with a basic four-week training plan that can get you ready to go. Don’t worry so much about pace or distance, he says. “You’re just getting a feel for the bike and how you move.” If jumping right into the training plan below feels intimidating, make it a goal to set aside 20 minutes two or three times a week for about two weeks, and leisurely ride around the neighborhood or on a bike path. The first step is making getting out on your bike feel easy and nonintimidating, Seacat says.

Picking a Bike

If you don’t have a bike already and you’re a beginner, be a cheapskate, suggests Mike Clucas, a former professional cyclist and triathlon coach based in Victoria, Australia, and founder of FulGaz, an indoor cycling app. Whether you’re looking at new bikes or used ones, he recommends choosing a bike based on where you plan to ride. For example, if you only have gravel roads around you, you might want a mountain bike, which has more shock absorption and thicker tires for taking on rough terrain. If you plan on sticking to paved paths and roads, there are road bikes, which have thinner tires, lighter frames, and handlebars that curl downward (making them more aerodynamic). There are also hybrid bikes that have some elements of both bike types. If you’re a beginner, though, even that old bike sitting in your garage (after a trip to the bike store for a tune up; more on that below) could be the perfect starting point. “You can get fitter on a cheap, slow bike than you can on a high-end model when you’re starting out, because it takes more effort to pedal,” Clucas says. And it will force you to focus on the basics of riding instead of trying to figure out numerous gears and strategies. Learn the motion of cycling first, and then you can level up, he adds. In terms of fit, the easiest measure is gauging what’s called the “standover height.” That means you straddle the frame of the bike with both feet flat on the floor. With a road bike, there should be about an inch or two of clearance between you and the frame. With a mountain bike, Clucas says you should have at least two inches of clearance. If you have too much clearance, the bike is too short for you and you’ll end up struggling with extending your leg properly when you pedal; too tall and you risk locking out your knee when you pedal. Your best bet for making sure your bike is the right fit for you is visiting a bike shop. In many cases, the shop can help you adjust a bike by changing the seat height or handlebars, as well as make sure gears, brakes, and tires are working properly, Clucas says.

Wear a Properly Fitting Helmet

If you have an old helmet in the garage that’s been collecting dust, consider upgrading, says Seacat — helmet technology has come a long way in the past 10 years His suggestion is to get a helmet classified as multi-directional impact protection system (MIPS). It has a thin layer of material inside — a slip plane or slip liner — that’s anchored to a few points inside the helmet frame, allowing the helmet to rotate independently from the head, and better absorbing the impact of a potential collision. “Buy one at a bike shop and ask for help in fitting it to your head,” says Seacat.

What to Wear

Check the weather before you head out, especially if you anticipate big swings in temperature, humidity, windchill, or precipitation. Dress in layers, Seacat suggests, especially in clothes that are moisture wicking, which can draw the sweat away from your body so you don’t get cold while you ride — a major concern if you’re going for longer distances or it’s also windy, which can make you feel more chilled. For longer rides — or even short jaunts, if you’re unused to cycling — wearing padded bike shorts or bibs (which are a shorts version of tight-fitting overalls) can be a groin saver, he adds. They take pressure off your points of contact with the seat, and also work as shock absorbers to some degree so you’re not bouncing on the bike as much while you ride. One tip: Don’t wear underwear with them. They’re designed to be worn without them and an extra layer can increase your chances of chafing. And when it comes to footwear, choose a comfortable pair of athletic shoes. Beginners should skip clip-in style bike shoes, which are designed to allow you to get more power out of each rotation of the wheel and require petals that specifically fit them, Seacat says. You have to unclip your shoes from the petals before putting your feet down, so they can be a less safe choice of footwear for less experienced riders.

Wear a properly fitted helmet.Check your brakes before you head out.Wear bright clothing and reflective gear.Use a white front light and rear red light.If you’re wearing pants, tuck the into your socks so they don’t get caught in the bike chain.Choose a route away from traffic if possible.Stay alert; do not use headphones while riding.Drive in the same direction as traffic if you’re on the road.Assume drivers can’t see you.Use well-lit roadways and paths.Be careful when riding in wet or slippery conditions.Learn hand signals and use them at intersections.

Another general tip is listening to your body to ensure you’re not getting too fatigued while riding — especially during longer rides — that you risk overdoing it and having muscle soreness for days, Seacat advises. “Five minutes or so of gradually building the intensity before you do any harder work is useful,” he notes. Beginners, though, should take it at a much slower pace to get used to the feeling of riding, and progress gradually from there. Here’s a sample beginning plan from Seacat that’s not based on distance. Instead you’ll increase the intensity (to build up strength and endurance) by upping the time you bike and the pace you go. The pace will be specific to your fitness level and abilities. Keep in mind that a moderate pace means that on a scale of 1 to 10 in intensity, you’re at about a 6 or 7, where you can talk in short sentences but not sing. An easy pace would be a 2 or 3, where you can easily hold a conversation. A sprint-style pace of 8 or 9 means you can only say two or three words at a time without taking another breath. Cross-training workouts should be non-aerobic workouts, such as strength training, Seacat says. He’s also included active recovery days; Seacat recommends doing movement that focuses on balance, flexibility, and mobility on these days (like yoga or walking). These are less strenuous, and should be done at a relaxed pace. Be sure to check with your health provider first if you have concerns about any chronic health issues, such as cardiovascular disease or joint problems, or any other medical concern that might make it unsafe to try a new exercise routine.

Week 1

Day 1 Bike 15 minutes at an easy pace. Day 2 Active recovery, 30 to 60 minutes. Day 3 Bike 20 minutes at an easy pace. Day 4 Rest. Day 5 Bike 30 minutes at an easy pace. Day 6 Active recovery, 30 to 60 minutes. Day 7 Cross-train, 30 minutes.

Week 2

Day 1 Bike 15 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 2 Active recovery, 30 to 60 minutes. Day 3 Bike 20 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 4 Cross-train, 15 to 20 minutes. Day 5 Bike 30 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 6 Rest. Day 7 Cross-train, 15 to 20 minutes.

Week 3

Day 1 Bike 15 minutes at an easy pace, followed by 10 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 2 Active recovery, 45 to 60 minutes. Day 3 Bike 20 minutes at an easy pace, followed by 15 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 4 Cross-train, 20 minutes. Day 5 Play with simple intervals: Bike 10 minutes at an easy pace followed by one minute of moderate effort; repeat three times. Day 6 Rest. Day 7 Cross-train, 20 minutes.

Week 4

Day 1 Bike 10 minutes at an easy pace, followed by 20 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 2 Active recovery, 30 minutes. Day 3 Hill train: Bike 10 minutes at an easy pace. Then find a hill that you can climb (preferably a small one, rather than one that feels challenging or overwhelming) without getting off your seat, then ride up and back 8 to 10 times at an easy pace. Day 4 Active recovery, 30 to 60 minutes. Day 5 Bike 10 minutes at an easy pace, followed by 30 minutes at a moderate pace. Day 6 Rest. Day 7 Go for distance: This will be your first long ride, so pack snacks and water, and take it at an easy pace. Either do a loop course that seems like a reasonable distance for your ability, or go up-and-back, turning around when you feel like you still have plenty of energy. It’s better to end a ride with some energy left than feeling like you’re coming in on fumes. Seacat suggests planning to ride for about twice as long as your longest ride to date.