For starters, the sand provides added resistance, which means the workout will feel a little tougher, says Breann Mitchell, a Los Angeles–based National Academy of Sports Medicine-certified personal trainer, who teaches live and online HIIT, strength, kickboxing, and other fitness classes. Plus, because the sand is constantly shifting under your feet, you’ll engage muscles (to help stabilize yourself) that you wouldn’t normally use when you’re working out at the gym or on pavement. What’s more, the sand may actually provide some extra protection to the joints. HIIT is usually a high-impact workout, which means it can be tough on the joints. But research suggests that high-impact exercise (in this study, running) done in the sand led to less muscle damage and a lower inflammatory response than working out on harder surfaces (in this study, grass). Ready to dive into a beach HIIT workout? Mitchell designed this one to be both an aerobic and strength challenge. Consider wearing sneakers or other athletic shoes to minimize injury risk, and watch out for waves that may make the sand beneath you unstable, according to tips from Cedars Sinai.

The Sand-Friendly Exercise Routine

If you’re a beginning exerciser, look for firmer and more level sand. Otherwise, go wherever the sand looks the most inviting, Mitchell recommends. Start with a light jog or brisk walk for 5 to 10 minutes to get that heart rate up. Then do the following exercises. Start with block 1: Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and move on to the next exercise. Repeat the block for a total of two sets. Then move on to blocks 2 and 3, doing the exercises for the same amount of time and also completing two sets of each. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between blocks, or longer if necessary. Remember to keep moving during the full 30 seconds of each exercise, which is what makes this workout a high-intensity one. Feel like challenging yourself more? Progress to three or four sets of each block. And if you need to take it a little easier, do the low-impact option.

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3