On December 8, 2011, Breea woke up feeling off balance. By 6 p.m., she was blind in her left eye, paralyzed on the left side of her body, and unable to speak or swallow. She was only 18 and a senior in high school. The diagnosis: severe onset of tumefactive multiple sclerosis. Breea’s journey took a further twist when, later that year, her father passed away from drug and alcohol abuse. But there was a light in this darkness, when he was able to make it to Breea’s hospital bedside and be a part of her amazing push forward from her devastating MS onset before his passing. Breea lives life fully, passionately, and by her favorite motto: I am more than my diagnosis. Her YouTube videos about her journey living with MS have over 53,000 views, and she shares her journey with others on her Help Breea Beat MS Facebook page. She also started the Breea Renee Foundation in hopes to one day be able to give scholarships to young adults with MS and other neurological conditions who want to realize their college dreams. I asked Breea a few questions about her walk with MS: David Lyons: How difficult is it for you to exercise with MS? Breea Renee: Exercising is now different than before. I cannot run or lift as much weight as before. I wouldn’t say it’s really difficult, just different. DL: What is your daily exercise routine like? DL: What type of nutritional program do you follow? BR: I am gluten-free and dairy-free for the most part. I eat a lot of raw foods and only turkey and fish. DL: Why did you get involved in supporting the MS Fitness Challenge? BR: I feel it is very important for people living with MS to live a healthy life through fitness and diet. DL: What would you tell others with MS to help them reach their fitness goals? BR: The way to reach your goals and be your fullest is to go for it and give it your all! Breea speaks on the following topics at schools, conferences, and events:

Overcoming AdversityTeen/Young Adult InspirationSTUMBLE: Living With Multiple Sclerosis — Schools/Medical CommunityGet Your SHINE On: Living a Resilient Life After a Life-Altering Diagnosis

When I meet people with MS like Breea, who have such a passion to overcome this disease, I know I am not alone. None of us with MS are. There are thousands of us fighting this battle on the same battlefield. I am proud to unite us here at MS Fitness Challenge so we can inspire, encourage, and lift each other up. Breea has inspired me to stay the course and continue bodybuilding at the highest level I can. She has encouraged me to press on in my mission to help as many people with MS as I can to conquer this disease through fitness and health. And, she has lifted me up knowing that others, just like me, will not allow MS to define us. I hope Breea’s story has done the same for all of you in whatever goals you have and desires you dream of. Never quit!