The Benefits of Exercise After Coronary Angioplasty If you don’t exercise and eat a healthy diet after coronary angioplasty, you can put your heart health at risk. Exercise can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, but the benefits don’t stop there. A study published in 2013 in the Journal of Cardiology and Therapy points to the following benefits of exercise after coronary angioplasty:

It helps the entire cardiovascular system, not just the area treated with the procedure.It improves circulation in the vessels that underwent the procedure.It increases nitric oxide absorption, which aids in widening blood vessels and increasing blood flow.It mobilizes cells in the body that help repair damage caused by previously hardened arteries.

How to Start Exercising After Coronary Angioplasty Be sure to discuss exercise with your doctor before resuming or initiating an exercise plan after coronary angioplasty, says Kevin R. Campbell, MD, a cardiologist at Wake Heart and Vascular in Raleigh, N.C., and an assistant professor in the division of cardiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “It’s also important to listen to your body," Dr. Campbell says. “Don’t do too much too fast. Start slow and work up to an exercise program that involves 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week.” Your doctor will let you know how soon and at what level you can begin or return to exercise after coronary angioplasty. Depending on your particular circumstances prior to the procedure, you doctor may say you can start a walking program right away — or prefer that you engage in a cardiac rehabilitation program. “Cardiac rehab is essential for people who aren’t used to exercising,” Campbell says. In cardiac rehab, experts assist you with nutrition and exercise education. Exercise physiologists monitor your heart rate and blood pressure and follow your progress. “You’ll learn how to exercise at appropriate levels to improve your heart health,” he says. Finding Exercises That Work for You There are many good exercise options to consider when you’re ready to start being active as part of your cardiac rehab after coronary angioplasty. “Walking, running, weight lifting, and any activity that raises heart rate and increases cardiovascular fitness can be safe after recovery from coronary angioplasty,” Campbell says. An important part of creating your exercise plan is to select activities you find enjoyable and set reasonable goals so you’re more likely to stick with them. Use these questions to find the best exercise alternatives for you:

Do you get bored easily? If so, choose an activity that offers a lot of options. For example, running and cycling can be done at many different speeds and inclines — you can mix it up and change the scenery easily. Or join a gym and sample a range of workout options and exercise classes.Are you self-conscious? If you don’t like the idea of working out in front of a lot of people, you don’t necessarily need to join a gym. Opt to exercise at home instead. Visit your local library and check out a variety of exercise videos until you find a style you enjoy.Are you easily sidetracked? If you need motivation or a sense of accountability, work out with a personal trainer or ask a friend to exercise with you. Including someone else in your fitness plans can help keep you motivated and stay on track with your goals.

Make a list of all exercise options that appeal the most to you and discuss them with your doctor. Once you have the green light to get active, you can start to reap the benefits of a lifestyle that puts heart health first.