The active ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, produced when apples are fermented and exposed to certain enzymes. “Acetic acid kills harmful bacteria, which is the main reason ACV has been used as a disinfectant,” says Andres E. Ayesta, RD, owner of Orlando-based Vive Nutrition. “In fact, for many years people used ACV to treat poison ivy.” RELATED: 5 Anti-Inflammatory Spices for Psoriatic Arthritis

Can You Apply Apple Cider Vinegar Directly to the Skin for Psoriatic Arthritis?

Applying ACV to affected areas of skin may help treat psoriatic arthritis, says Nicole Avena, PhD, an assistant professor of neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a visiting professor of health psychology at Princeton University in New Jersey. Always start off with diluted ACV, mixing equal parts vinegar and warm water, to make sure your skin or scalp can tolerate it, Avena says. Be especially careful when applying ACV near an open wound. “Gently pat it on with a cloth, using just a few tablespoons,” Avena advises. “ACV can help change the affected area’s pH levels to lessen flaking.” She adds a warning: “If the affected area is cracked or bleeding, don’t apply ACV. And if you feel a burning sensation, stop using ACV and rinse the area with water.” RELATED: 9 Ways to Ease Psoriatic Arthritis Pain

Can Eating or Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Help Treat Psoriatic Arthritis?

There is only a limited amount of research on the consumption of apple cider vinegar, though some studies have found it can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels by delaying gastric emptying. Still, many people choose to eat or drink it for psoriatic arthritis, and in moderate amounts it’s harmless. Ayesta says that common dosages for ACV range from a teaspoon or two (5 to 10 milliliters) to a tablespoon or two (15 to 30 ml). You can drink it, diluting it with plain water to soften the sour taste, or add it to foods like salad dressings and mayonnaise. However you choose to use ACV, “just make sure to include the mother,’’ Ayesta recommends, referring to the strands of protein and enzymes in unfiltered vinegar that give it a cloudy appearance.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe for People With Psoriatic Arthritis?

According to Avena, ACV is generally safe to use for psoriatic arthritis. But always consult with a medical doctor before using any therapy, including natural ones like ACV. Bottom line: “The information we have on ACV is based largely on limited research and data, and is mostly anecdotal,” says Ayesta. “Though ACV does not appear to pose major health risks or side effects, it is important to use it in moderation.”