One of my easier-said-than-done psoriasis tips is to take short, lukewarm showers. This isn’t so hard to do in the summer, but as the season changes and temperatures drop, it’s a tough proposition. One cool night, I couldn’t help but turn up the hot water. I knew this was a risky thing to do, but after a long day of work and an evening jog, I craved the relaxation of a hot shower. I figured that if I moisturized immediately after toweling off, my skin would be fine. I could tell right away that this was a mistake. Even before I got into bed, my skin started to feel dry and itchy.

Doing Everything But Is Not Good Enough

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) lists eight ways to stop baths and showers from worsening your psoriasis. “Psoriasis makes your skin dry and easily irritated,” the AAD states on its website. “Baths and showers can increase the dryness and irritation.” I usually follow most of the AAD’s advice:

I bathe only once a day — a habit since college.I take quick showers of under five minutes, use a moisture-rich cleanser, and dry my skin gently by blotting with a towel rather than rubbing.I don’t use a loofah or washcloths.I moisturize with a cream within five minutes of showering. (A dermatologist told me that creams and ointments are better than lighter, lotion-based moisturizers at preventing evaporation during the winter months.)Do I rinse off soap gently and thoroughly? Check. (Note that the AAD uses the word “gently” four times on this list of tips.)

But then there’s this piece of advice: “Use warm — NOT hot — water every time.” The all-capitalized “not” and the word “every” make this advice unequivocal. I’ve had to admit that doing everything right but skipping this last tip is NOT good enough.

Hot Showers Are My Small Rebellion

At times, I dislike following instructions, figuring I’ll be fine assembling that new furniture without looking at the directions or cooking a dish without checking the recipe. When it comes to my psoriasis care, though, I generally do strive to follow my doctor’s orders and skin-care advice from other trusted sources. Still, I just couldn’t give up hot showers. A lukewarm shower in colder weather feels counterintuitive and uncomfortable on a winter night. The temptation to turn up the temperature overcomes my willpower. I wonder if one reason I like taking hot showers is to indulge myself. I admit it’s not the most mature approach to healthy living, but I feel like managing psoriasis already comes with so much routine, discipline, and limitations that there are times I just want to do what I want to do — whatever the consequences.

The Better Choice for My Skin

I recently read a Psychology Today article that considered the implications of an average person making 35,000 decisions in a day. Clearly, one daily decision for me is the water temperature I use while showering. I’ve come to recognize it is a choice. So I made the hard decision to lower the heat to a level I could just tolerate. Once my body adjusted to the cooler water, I experienced some relief on the more inflamed parts of my skin. I’m glad I checked with my dermatologist about my plan first (always a good idea when considering any change to your psoriasis regimen), and she supported it. After a couple weeks of taking lukewarm showers I felt less irritation and slept better; my wife noticed this as well. While I miss the calming effect of hot showers, the improvement in my psoriasis relaxes both my skin and mind. Now the prospect of a lukewarm shower is not as off-putting as it used to be. Life is full of choices, and it’s not always easy to opt for actions that are good for your health and psoriasis. I’m glad that I’m making at least one decision this winter that is helping me sleep better at night. You can read more about my experiences on my website, PsoHoward.