Fast-forward 30 years, and there has been a plethora of evidence showing that Botox can help treat chronic migraine, says Zubair Ahmed, MD, a neurologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin, which is produced by the same bacteria that cause botulism, according to the American Migraine Foundation. When given as an injection, Botox stops the release of key chemicals in the body that may cause migraine pain, says Dr. Ahmed. Case in point: A research review published in the January 2019 issue of the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery showed that Botox injections were effective at preventing migraine attacks in people with chronic migraine and boosted their quality of life after three months of treatment. Today, the injections are a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved treatment for chronic migraine.

How Botox Can Help Ease Chronic Migraine

More than 4 million adults in the United States have chronic migraine, which is defined as at least 15 migraine attacks each month, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Having chronic migraine may also put people at risk for depression, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. If you want to try Botox, always seek a migraine specialist, not a cosmetic surgeon, says Ahmed. “It is important that we try to place the injections in precise locations,” he says, including the neck, face, and back and sides of a person’s head. “Individuals who have not received specialization [for migraine treatment] may not be familiar with the exact protocol,” he says. “As a result, patients may not receive the injections in the correct locations or the correct dose of the injections.” Migraine specialists can also make sure you’ve been correctly diagnosed with chronic migraine, as opposed to, say, sinus headaches, says Ahmed. “They’re adept at picking up even subtle migraine symptoms,” he explains. The ideal candidate for Botox is someone “who has a minimum of 15 headache days [a month],” says Ahmed, and also shows other signs of migraine symptoms, including nausea or a sensitivity to light or noise.

5 Questions About Botox for Migraine

Here’s what you can expect when undergoing the Botox procedure for chronic migraine.

What do Botox injections feel like?

Doctors use very small needles, so the injections tend to feel like a pinprick or a tiny pinch. Typically, you’ll receive a total of 31 injections in seven areas of your head and neck, according to the American Migraine Foundation. The procedure can be done in the office and takes about 15 minutes.

What are the side effects of Botox?

Botox’s side effects tend to be mild, but the most common ones include neck pain and stiffness. (The American Migraine Foundation recommends using an ice pack to quell the aches.) Less commonly, people can experience a temporary drooping of the eyelid and flu-like symptoms, which can include a fever.

How long does it take for Botox to work?

You may feel results in as soon as 4 weeks. The organization also notes that it can take up to six months to see an improvement in your symptoms.

How often do I have to get the injections?

The injections are given every 12 weeks. Your doctor will likely recommend starting with two treatments, and then you and your provider can assess how well Botox is working for you.

How much does Botox cost?

Each round of injections usually costs between $300 and $600, according to the American Migraine Foundation, but most insurance plans — including Medicare and Medicaid — will cover the treatment. If you do owe out-of-pocket costs, you can enroll in the Botox Savings Program, which offers money back to people who are eligible. If you have chronic migraine, talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of being treated with Botox and whether the treatment may be right for you. Enduring the temporary sting of injections may give you some lasting pain relief. Additional reporting by Maria Masters.