The diluted cleaning solution, which is used on food-processing equipment, was inadvertently introduced into a production line at one factory, the company said in a statement. Approximately 5,760 cases of the drinks were potentially contaminated, or a total of about 230,400 individual drink pouches. Consumer complaints about an unusual taste led to the discovery of the possible contamination, the company said. Only the Wild Cherry flavor Capri Sun drinks were affected, and all the recalled cases of juice drinks had a “best when used by” date of June 25, 2023. Customers who bought recalled drinks shouldn’t consume the product. They can return it to the store where it was purchased. Customers can also contact Kraft Heinz during business hours at 800-280-8252 to see if a product is part of the recall and to receive reimbursement. “The Company is actively working with retail partners and distributors to remove potentially impacted product from circulation,” Kraft Heinz said in its statement. Kraft Heinz distributes Capri Sun in the United States and Canada. Capri Sun pouches have been around for almost 50 years. They’re designed to be smaller and thinner than glass, paper, and metal packaging so that they can fit easily into a backpack or lunch box, according to the company. Kraft Heinz didn’t specify where the pouches involved in the recall were manufactured in its statement. Pouch Partners, based in Baar, Switzerland, makes Capri Sun juice containers and has production sites in Germany and Italy, according to its website. Pouch Partners also makes containers for a range of other products including pet food as well as GoGo SqueeZ kids’ snack pouches. The company statement also didn’t say exactly what cleaning solution was involved in the recall or whether any consumers became ill or experienced symptoms after consuming the cherry drinks. Industrial cleaners used in manufacturing plants can contain a wide variety of chemicals, and may differ from ingredients used in household cleaners. Symptoms after ingestion vary extensively depending on the type of chemical and how much is consumed. Kraft Heinz didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The American Association of Poison Control Centers offers free expert advice online and at 800-222-1222 to help determine the best response according to what may have been ingested and what symptoms are present. Anytime an individual with suspected poisoning collapses, has a seizure, has trouble breathing, or can’t be awakened, call 911 and seek immediate emergency medical attention, advises the National Capital Poison Center. For swallowed poisons, drinking a small amount of milk or water may address symptoms like burning or irritation if the person is conscious, not having convulsions, and able to swallow.