But nothing can 100 percent guarantee you won’t get COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Perhaps it is time to make a plan for what would happen if you do get the disease and end up being very sick. RELATED: Expert Tips for Coping With COVID-19 at Home Planning ahead for any disaster makes sense, experts say. After all, before a hurricane or wildfire comes your way, you gather important papers and make a worst-case scenario plan. Taking similar steps in the face of the coronavirus can be equally beneficial. RELATED: Tips on How to Handle Stress in the Time of COVID-19 Planning ahead also means you won’t be stuck making emotional decisions when you or a family member are feeling ill and not necessarily thinking straight, says Elizabeth Ochoa, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Mount Sinai Health System in New York. Instead, she says, “you’ll be able to react and behave according to the tenets of your well thought out plan.” This also relieves feelings of guilt that you might leave loved ones with the responsibility for figuring things out later, Dr. Ochoa says.

Avoid Panic: Make the Plan, Then Move On

Once your plan is in place and shared with others, let go of the worry that you might get sick, and thereby ensure that, at least for you, the pandemic doesn’t become a “panic-demic,” Dr. Stonnington says. Overly obsessing is bad for your emotional health and your physical health too, since it strains your immune system. “By being emotionally prepared with a solid game plan, you build confidence that you can face the challenge” of getting sick, Ochoa says. “You’ve mobilized your helpers. You are ready to face reality. Then it’s time to turn your attention to self-care,” she says.

Start With the Basics of Emergency Preparedness

Ideally, you’ve already prepared for the possibility you might get the coronavirus by shopping for essential items, including basic cough and cold medicines and a thermometer. (Don’t wait until the disease is rampant in your area, because those items may sell out of local drugstores.) Writing in the New York Times, Jessica Lustig described using a fingertip pulse oximeter to measure oxygen levels in her husband’s blood at home. Health experts encourage Americans who think they might have COVID-19 to reach out to their doctors via telemedicine to minimize infecting others. While you’re still healthy, it’s wise to find out which app your doctor or insurance company supports and download it onto your phone. Some popular apps include Teladoc and Amwell. RELATED: Your Everyday Guide to Telemedicine And because people with the virus need to be isolated from family members in their home, one basic preparedness measure is to figure out how you would logistically do this so the ill person ideally has a dedicated bedroom and bathroom just for them.

Know the COVID-19 Disease Warning Signs

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most people who do get COVID-19 will have a mild illness that can be treated at home. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, runny nose, headache, labored breathing, and nausea or diarrhea. You’ll want to know the emergency warning signs should your illness escalate and require immediate medical attention. According to the CDC, these critical signs include difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, bluish lips or face, an unusual level of confusion, loss of alertness, or loss of consciousness. RELATED: Faces of Coronavirus: One Woman’s Road to Recovery

Prepare Your Personalized Disaster Plan

Now you’re ready to write down your disaster plan. A coronavirus preparation plan is similar in many ways to plans anticipating any disaster. The Red Cross states that such plans contain three steps: Discuss preparation strategies with family members or others in your household; identify which people are responsible for which actions; and practice elements in advance if you can. Write your plan with paper and pen or print it out from your computer. Do not write it as a note on your cell phone, since if your phone battery dies after you get sick people may not be able to access it.

Your Coronavirus Illness Preparedness Checklist

1. Create a One-Sheet List of Key Health Info

You might know that your health insurance card is in the top drawer of your bedroom dresser, but others who need to help you may not know this. Now is the time to find that card and put it in an obvious and accessible location, such as your wallet. You can also write your date of birth and Social Security number to stash along, since this is information hospitals typically request and that you might not be able to recite if you are seriously ill. Write down a list of all medicines you are taking, including dosages and schedules, as some may interact with drugs a hospital might give you. Also note any drug allergies you have. If you have previously created a healthcare surrogacy document, which lists the person legally charged with making health decisions if you are unable to, and a living will for your end-of-life wishes, dig those out as well. Add your last will and testament to the pile if you have one, or notify close relatives where they can find it. (Don’t store your will in a bank vault; should you pass away it is very hard for your next of kin to access this.) RELATED: Expert Tips on the Coronavirus Crisis: Be Prepared, Don’t Panic

2. Firm Up Your Support Network

Generate a support network of people you can rely on if COVID-19 strikes you, ideally for whom you will do the same. Exchange detailed contact information with your network, including mailing and email addresses and cell phone numbers for each other, and for people you would want to notify if you take ill, such as relatives and your employer. Provide them with a key to your home or hide one outside and alert them to where they can find it. Describe where they can find your documents, too. Organize who within this group will handle specific tasks needed if you get very sick: notifying family, running supermarket and drugstore errands, and the like.

3. Customize the Plan to Your Family’s Needs

If you have young children, it’s imperative that you work out who will care for them should you be hospitalized, or even if you’re sick at home in bed. Can someone take them in, other than their grandparents — who are at higher risk for complications should your children be infected? Once you’ve identified the person and gotten their okay, jot down basic instructions for how your children can best be cared for, including any medicines they regularly take. Older children might be able to watch themselves if you are sick at home. Consider making and freezing meals or stashing money for them to order food in until you recover.If you have pets or service animals, you’ll need someone to agree in advance that they will provide care in your absence.If you live alone, taking all these steps is especially important. If your immediate family members live far away, consider asking a neighbor or local friend to join your support network. Ideally, they will periodically check in with you to ensure you are okay.

4. Take Special Steps if You Have a Chronic Condition

The White House’s disaster preparation website Ready.gov says seniors and people with chronic conditions should take extra steps when facing any kind of impending disaster. If you have been undergoing treatments at a hospital or clinic, ask them what services or treatments they will be continuing to provide and which procedures have been put on hold. If they are not able to treat you because the coronavirus is diverting resources, find out what the health consequences might result and what you should do if you experience them. If you have a communication-related disability you should write down and share with the support network the best way medical professionals can interact with you. RELATED: How Will COVID-19 Impact Cancer Research? Finally, people with cancer or other serious disease should add extra information to their preparedness materials. According to the American Cancer Society, be sure you write down your exact diagnosis, cancer stage, and, if you are receiving chemotherapy or radiation, where you are in your treatment cycle. Include details about the clinical trial you are involved with, like the National Clinical Trial (NCT) number, the name of the principal investigator, and the facilities where you receive treatment. You’ll also want to note the contact information for all healthcare providers treating you for this condition.