About 60 percent of the U.S. cranberry supply comes from Wisconsin, according to South Dakota State University. They’re grown in sandy bogs across the central and northern parts of the state as well as in the Northeast and north central parts of the United States, notes the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Read on to learn more about everything related to cranberries, including their nutritional facts, health benefits, and how to eat them in their many forms.

46 calories0.5 grams (g) protein0.1 g fat12 g carbohydrates3.6 g fiber4.3 g sugars8 milligrams (mg) calcium0.23 mg iron80 mg potassium2 mg sodium

That serving of cranberries also has 14 mg of vitamin C, making it a good source of the nutrient, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It also offers vitamin E, with 1.3 mg per serving. Cranberry juice made from concentrate is often high in added sugar and has about 141 calories per cup, plus 33.1 g carbs and 90.8 mg vitamin C, but no fiber, per the USDA. There are many other cranberry products available, such as canned cranberry sauce and dried cranberries. The nutritional profile, including flavonoid content, changes depending on the product and its preparation method. One study analyzed flavonoid content differences in fresh cranberries, freeze-dried berries, cranberry juices, cranberry sauces, and dried cranberries. Researchers found that the less processed the products were (for example homemade cranberry sauce versus store-bought), the higher the flavonoid levels. Here are some potential cranberry benefits.

Prevent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Cranberry juice is often said to help with UTIs, which are common bacterial infections. Research shows there’s some truth here — they do seem to protect against recurring UTIs. A meta-analysis published in December 2017 in the Journal of Nutrition involving participants who had a history of UTIs found that cranberry reduced the risk of recurring UTIs by 26 percent. The science is mixed, though: Earlier research found that participants who drank cranberry juice daily didn’t significantly reduce their UTI risk. More studies are needed to understand the relationship between UTIs and cranberry consumption, but there’s at least one theory. “It is likely that compounds in cranberries help keep bacteria from adhering to surfaces in the bladder,” says Kelly Jones, RDN, a sports dietitian based in Philadelphia. As for the common belief that cranberry juice can cure a UTI, that’s more fiction than fact. Judging by admittedly mixed research results, cranberry juice may work better as a preventive measure than as a treatment, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York. And there’s no evidence that cranberries can effectively treat a UTI that has already developed, according to a past review. Antibiotics are the first and most appropriate treatment for most UTIs, advises the Mayo Clinic.

Keep Certain Cancers at Bay

A review published in Antioxidants found that cranberries’ antioxidant content may have a positive effect on 17 types of cancer, including breast cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer, potentially because of their ability to slow the growth of cancerous cells and clear them from the body. The authors caution that more research is needed to confirm a causal relationship between cranberries and cancer prevention.

Improve Heart Health

A limited but growing body of research shows that cranberries in the diet may positively affect cardiometabolic health, including blood pressure and serum lipid profiles, according to a past review. Cranberries may also positively affect cholesterol levels and were shown to reduce cardiometabolic risk factors in a review published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture in November 2020. And a small randomized controlled trial published in Food & Function in March 2022 found that 9 g of cranberry powder (equivalent to 100 g of fresh cranberries) improved blood vessel function, a key marker of cardiovascular health.

Additional Benefits of Cranberries

Cranberries and cranberry juice may be linked with other benefits for digestive health, heart health, brain health, and dental health, as the Cleveland Clinic notes, but the research surrounding each of these is murky. Many of these benefits are chalked up to cranberries’ high antioxidant content. You can store fresh cranberries in your refrigerator for up to one month or in the freezer for up to one year, according to Ocean Spray. Dried cranberries should be kept in a tightly sealed package in the pantry and should be consumed by the best-by date on the package. When shopping for cranberry juice, look for the variety with the smallest amount of added sugar, Harrington advises. And keep in mind that a serving size for a glass of juice is smaller than you might think. Pour 4 ounces (½ cup) if you’re opting for cranberry juice, she says. Jones recommends enjoying the juice with a meal or a substantial balanced snack to blunt the blood sugar response. Another note: Cranberries lose water and volume as they’re dried, so dried cranberries are denser in calories and sugar than fresh cranberries, per the Produce for Better Health Foundation. Keep this in mind when determining your portion size, especially if you’re following an eating plan to help you manage diabetes or lose weight. You can buy oral capsules of concentrated cranberry extract at many drugstores, so you may be able to tap into some of the health benefits even if you’re not a fan of the taste. One past study suggested that people who took cranberry extract for 12 weeks saw fewer recurrent UTIs. If you prefer cranberry in juice form, the University of Rochester Medical Center recommends 6 to 10 oz per day, divided between meals. Mayo Clinic cautions against drinking cranberry juice if you’re on a blood-thinning medication, such as warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven). A study published in Nutrients in 2021 found that cranberry juice interacted with participants’ ability to process warfarin, possibly making the medication more potent. This could increase the risk of bleeding. Finally, cranberries and dried cranberries are also safe for dogs in small quantities, though chances are your dog won’t like them, the American Kennel Club says. Additional reporting by Kristeen Cherney.

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