There’s a saying around here about days like this at this time of year: “Every day like this shortens the winter by a day.” Colloquial? Indeed. Accurate? At the end of a long winter, you’re thankful that it was shortened, even if only by a day.

The Real Weather Recalls the ‘Weather’ of Our MS

The saying is so like the “good day, not-so-good day” aspect of living with MS that I’ve written about before that I was almost going to let it go. But a phrase like that is too good not to share with those who haven’t heard it. Also, with real and figurative winters a simple part of life, it’s good to recall the sentiment. It’s not unlike how overdoing on a good day and paying for it later (if planned for, that is) can be at least acceptable if not even worth a longer recovery if the extra activity brings us great joy. The memories of things we did when the weather of our MS allowed for more than just the necessities of the day to be completed can be a hot water bottle to the spirit on the cold, dark nights of an MS winter storm. Of course, a couple of unexpected fine actual-weather days in the autumn can drive one into the garden to get things cleaned up and ready for the coming season. And when good weather and a not-so-bad MS day coincide, they’re almost certain to bring on an “MS winter’s day,” as sure as the season’s changing will do the same.

We Plan Ahead, Knowing That Bad Days Will Come

But these last warm days of the year — the ones where the dying light of a shortening day might shine just a little longer in a clear sky — bring on the knowledge that winter will come, as it always has, and as it always will. We prepare ourselves, our houses, and our families for the dark and the cold. We stock up, we squirrel away, we hunker down. We know the change of seasons as we have come to know the way our bodies tell us of changes afoot. With the knowledge that our prescriptions are filled, the larder is filled, and there are batteries and candles for when the storms hit us hard, we can feel confident we are prepared. It is the good days that charge those batteries and trim the wicks.

Memories of Good Days Warm the Spirit on Bad Ones

But most of all, we remember the good days. We relish in them when they come. Because, just as a warm day or two in September or October will shorten the winter from this end, the memories we can replay of our days in the sun when multiple sclerosis has us under a duvet for a few days will help shorten our MS winter a little bit on the other side. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis