According to the National Wellness Institute, wellness encompasses six dimensions: emotional, intellectual, physical, occupational, social, and spiritual — but has one common link connecting them all: your health. At Everyday Health, our editorial team works hard every day (and sometimes night) researching, writing, and creating content that we hope enables and inspires wellness for anyone, anywhere. But sometimes we forget to include ourselves in that equation. In honor of Global Wellness Day on June 8, we decided to share with you what we do to keep ourselves happy and healthy!

Maureen Connolly, Editor in Chief: Spending Time in Nature

“One of my favorite ways to reset is to spend time in nature — added bonus if I can do so with my boys,” she says. “I also love to end each day by spending a little time sitting in my garden. I use the weekends to work in the garden and the weekdays to admire it.”

Dakila Divina, Executive Editor: Staying Energized Through Exercise

“For me, running offers a respite from the stress of living and working in the Big Apple,” he says. “It enables me to see the city — and to meditate — from a different perspective.” RELATED: 9 Weird Things Running Does to Your Body

Maura Corrigan, Managing Editor: Blasting Beats and Riding Waves

“In general, I’m constantly listening to music — I get anxious when it’s either too quiet or too loud,” she says. “I sometimes get stuck on a particular album for months at a time (yes, I did write ‘album’). Right now, it’s Beyoncé’s Homecoming, her amazing, fun, powerful, and empowered 2018 Coachella performance.” And if Maura wasn’t cool enough, did we mention she also surfs? She recently caught waves in Costa Rica!

George Vernadakis, Senior Editor: Mindful Photography

“Mindful photography is a great way to discover and appreciate your surroundings,” he says. “Here are some photos I took of street art just within a couple of blocks of the Everyday Health offices.” RELATED: How Serena Williams, Kamala Harris, Matthew McConaughey, and 10 Other Celebs Get Their Wellness On

Ingrid Strauch, Senior Editor: Pet Therapy

“I’m all about pet therapy,” she says. “Patting a dog lowers your blood pressure and the dog’s blood pressure. I’m a firm believer in this natural remedy.”

Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn, Senior Editor: Barre and Bone Broth

“Wellness … I honestly wish I did more, but right now I walk to and from work (a mile each way), go to Pilates twice a week, and drink bone broth almost every day,” she says — don’t worry, she avoids drinking bone broth over her keyboard.

Melinda Carstensen, Senior Editor: Running as ‘Me’ Time

“Running is my ‘me’ time. It helps keep me stay calm, focused, and happy,” she says. “Some people think of running as a hobby, but I treat the activity just like brushing my teeth. Not to mention that it’s a natural sleep aid!”

Amy Kraft, Senior Editor: Mindfulness Through Meditation

“I try to meditate for five minutes every day. The key word here is try,” she says with a laugh. “I also do yoga and bike home from work at least once a week.” RELATED: 5 Ways to Practice Breath-Focused Meditation

Denise Maher, Senior Editor: Community Gardening

“I get to spend time outside every day observing subtle changes in growth,” she says. “Tending to living things is rewarding, and vegetable growing also inspires and enables healthful eating!"

Sarah DiGiulio, Senior Editor: Outdoor Exercise

“When I need a midday break, the best cure is getting outside for a walk along the Hudson River (just a few blocks from the EH office),” she says. “Bonus if my mom is free for a quick catchup over the phone!” RELATED: Study Finds an App Helped Women Up Their Daily Steps

Brianna Majsiak, Senior Health Producer: Creating Community

“This past May, we hosted our very first Camp Breastie,” she says. “Nearly 500 women came together from more than 200 different cities!”

Kristen Hom, Associate Photo Producer: A Hands-On Hobby

“Recently, I’ve taken up knitting,” she says. “It relaxes my mind, gives me something to do with my hands, and it’s fun!”

Jamie Putman, Health Producer: Winding Down With Wine

“I like to enjoy a glass of wine after work,” she says. “I don’t have to feel guilty in indulging; it helps me unwind and enjoy some time to myself.”

Anna Brooks, Health Producer: Dogs, Dogs, and More Dogs