Heather Spraggins, a 34-year-old mother of three from McKinney, Texas, is one of my personal clients, and she has made such tremendous progress that I had to share her story in this blog. David Lyons: When were you diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and what were your symptoms?  Heather Spraggins: I was diagnosed in November 2018. I had been experiencing numbness in my right side. Several years before that, the numbness was in my toes. Over time, it spread to most of my leg and to a couple of my fingers, and I additionally developed weakness in my leg. I had tried a couple of different therapies and was finally urged to go to a neurologist for my symptoms. The neurologist was able to diagnose me with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) within a week of my first visit with him. DL: What are your symptoms currently, and how have they improved since you started my training methods for MS?  HS: Due to the nature of PPMS, my physical symptoms are the same as they were when I was diagnosed. My balance had gotten much worse before starting OptimalBody Training with you, David. Since starting training, I am stronger and can now easily lift and carry my small children. My balance is already improving, and my ability to function is better every day. DL: What was your experience with exercise before training with me?  HS: I used to be a marathon runner prior to developing MS. But once my MS progressed, the person who could once run 26.2 miles became one who struggled to walk a mile with my kids. It’s not that I wasn’t trying, but I was attempting to do the workouts I had done before MS, and those workouts required balance and strength that I didn’t have. I also wasn’t building strength through the workouts, so my body continued to deteriorate even though I was attempting to be active. Things started to change when I reached out to the MS Fitness Challenge GYM Facebook Group in tears one day. DL: With your new workout routine, have there been any times when you wanted to quit or give up?  HS: No. After the first workout, I immediately saw the difference, especially with my legs. I was so nervous to work out my legs for the first time, but you coached me and directed me to move in a way that didn’t cause me to fall constantly. It was amazing, especially after the frustration that I had experienced before.   DL: How do you stay motivated to continue the program?  HS: One word: results. These are results that I had not been able to achieve on my own. I’ve seen results in my body composition and, more important, my ability to function more normally.   DL: Have you altered your diet and nutrition regimen?  HS: Yes. You encouraged me to add “clean,” or minimally processed, foods and protein to my diet, which I have done. I have also eliminated gluten, dairy, and refined sugars, and I’ve noticed a difference in my cognitive and physical functionality. These dietary changes are not always easy, but I am determined to live a healthy life. The results drive me to keep going. Sometimes my family has to sacrifice as well. I am blessed with a supportive husband who can see the changes and has cheered me on.  DL: How has being able to get fit again changed your life and helped with your MS? HS: I truly believe that this program is the difference between being able to live and move normally and being disabled. My body was failing more each day regardless of my attempts to fix it on my own. Seeing and feeling the difference these workouts have made makes me believe that I can overcome MS.  DL: What fitness goals have you set for the future? HS: I’d like to run again, even if just for short distances. More than that, my biggest goal is to be there for my kids through all their stages: I have three boys, ages 11, 3, and 1.   DL: Do you believe others with MS can attain the impressive progress you have experienced through this type of specialized MS training? HS: Absolutely. You don’t have to have physical strength to start; you need mental determination. Don’t think of why you can’t; think of what you will be able to do. The body is amazing, even the body that has MS. You have helped people in all stages of disability, and I am one of these people.  DL: Do you have any advice for those who want to conquer MS through fitness?  HS: It’s hard. It is a fight. You have to show up and do the work. I didn’t think it was possible to help my muscle weakness and balance problems through working out. If it is possible for you to live a better life because of working out, what are you waiting for?