If this scenario sounds familiar, it’s important not to give up. Friends and family play an important role in making sure their loved one has access to the right doctors and medication.

Finding Treatment for Schizophrenia: The First Steps

It can be difficult to convince people who have schizophrenia that they need to take medication for their condition. But don’t assume that they’re in denial: Many aren’t able to think clearly when it comes to their condition. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), about 50 percent of people living with schizophrenia experience anosognosia, or a lack of awareness of their serious psychiatric illness. Other times, they may not think they need treatment because they believe their delusions or hallucinations are real. If they resist getting help, NAMI suggests approaching them in a supportive manner. Start by asking about their goals, which can pave the way to a productive conversation about next steps and aid in the development of an actionable plan. Another way to gently encourage a person with schizophrenia to see a doctor is to offer to accompany them to their appointments. Some people who have schizophrenia fear that they’ll be stigmatized if they seek medical help. But this doesn’t mean you have to pretend that your loved one is okay. Telling them that a doctor can help them cope with a specific symptom without being judgmental may encourage them to seek help. “Think of recovery as a process, not a place,” says Ronald J. Diamond, MD, a psychiatrist and faculty member at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or want to learn more about taking care of your loved one, sign up for the NAMI Family-to-Family course at a location near you. It’s a free 12-session program for caregivers of people living with mental illness.

When a Loved One Who Has Schizophrenia Refuses Treatment

If your loved one refuses treatment for schizophrenia and their symptoms are escalating, it may be time to get additional help. It can be both emotionally and legally difficult to force a person with a mental disorder to get treated, but if a loved one becomes dangerous, friends and family members may need to call the police to take the person to the hospital, according to NAMI. Assisted outpatient treatment (also known as outpatient commitment) is available in most states. It mandates that people take part in their treatment and gives the state authority to bring them to a treatment center if they won’t go on their own. Local NAMI chapters may have information on doctors or outreach services near you who can help. RELATED: How Resilience Helped Me Transform My Life After a Brain Injury

Supporting a Loved One During Schizophrenia Treatment

Once a person starts treatment for schizophrenia, family and friends should be on the lookout for signs of relapse — new hallucinations, delusions, suicidal tendencies, social withdrawal, disorganized thinking, difficulty communicating — which often suggest that the person has stopped taking medication. “If family or friends see that the person is spending a lot of time alone or doesn’t want to do the things they once found pleasurable, it’s time to call the doctor,” says Tatiana Alexandra Falcone, MD, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “It’s very important to recognize changes in behavior early on during a psychotic break with reality,” which can result in deadly consequences. Estimates vary, but a study published in 2016 in the journal Schizophrenia Research and Treatment found that people who have schizophrenia are six times more likely to attempt suicide compared with those without the illness. Once your loved one begins to recover, try to find a happy medium between doing too much on their behalf and doing too little to help. The goal is to help them build the independence and confidence they need to take care of themselves. “Think about what you can do to help make their life better," Dr. Diamond says. “Can you go to the gym together, help them get a volunteer or part-time job, meet for lunch, or go to church?” This kind of support is invaluable to people who have schizophrenia.