“It’s a nice way to get a little strengthening going and lets patients sense what their level of activity might be,” explains certified hand therapist Alice Pena, PT, who is a former spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association.

Some Rules of ‘Thumb’ for Maximizing the Benefits

If anything hurts, stop. In general, you can repeat the following exercises up to five times per session, once or twice a day. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about the best number of reps for you to avoid strains. Moist heat can make the motion of hand exercises for rheumatoid arthritis easier and help prevent discomfort. One option is to soak your hands in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes before you begin. Treating your hands with a warm paraffin wax bath or wrapping them in a towel soaked first in hot water are other options. You can also practice some of these exercises, such a making a fist, while taking a warm shower.

1. Increase Flexibility With Flat-Hand Finger Lifts

Start by placing your hands flat, palm down, on a table or against a wall. Then, starting with your thumb, slowly raise each finger individually off the table. Hold each finger up for one or two seconds, and then gently lower it.

2. Increase Your Range of Motion by Making a Fist

Start with your fingers straight out, then draw them together down into the center of your palm to make a loose fist. (Keep your thumb across your fingers and not tucked beneath them.) Hold this position for up to one minute, then open your hand slowly and repeat a few times on each hand.

3. Improve Your Grip by Walking Your Fingers

Place a hand towel or kitchen towel flat on a table. With one hand lightly cupped and supported by your fingertips and thumb, “walk” your fingertips toward you to pull the towel up into the palm of your hand. “Get as much towel into your fist as you can and gently squeeze,” says Pena. This keeps you aware of how RA might be affecting your grip and how strong your grip is, she explains. Repeat a few times then switch to your other hand.

4. Increase Your Dexterity With Finger Pinches

Pinching your thumb to the tip of each of your fingers one at a time can help make everyday tasks — such as tying shoelaces or doing up buttons — easier if you have RA. Take your thumb and touch it to a finger and press it firmly like a pinch. Hold for a second or two and release. Do this with each finger individually.

5. Keep Your Thumb Nimble With a Simple Stretch

Focusing on your thumb is necessary because it is so important to so many different hand motions. A key exercise for maintaining the thumb’s function begins with your thumb pointing outward, away from your palm. Then move your thumb across your palm to try to touch the base of your little finger. This kind of motion can help you grip circular objects, such as hairbrushes.

6. Maintain Flexibility by Spreading Your Fingers

Simply spread your fingers and thumb as wide apart as possible, slowly and gently. Hold for several seconds. This is a great way to reduce stiffness and strengthen the muscles around the joints in your hand.

Know When It’s Best to Take a Break

Succeeding with RA treatment means knowing when to temporarily lay off exercising, Pena says. For example, during flares or a worsening of your symptoms, it might be best to wear a supportive brace or a splint and forgo exercising to avoid additional damage to your joints. Listen to your body.