Telephone Psychic Mediums These employees, hired by psychic service companies who know they have no paranormal skills, usually fumble through a telephone session by asking the client numerous questions and providing generic answers to the client’s questions. Some callers get disgusted and hang up after several minutes, after paying a tidy per-minute sum to enrich the company. In-Person Psychic Medium Readings This would lead to significant income for an accurate psychic medium, so that she would be able to afford a comfortable home or office in a pretty good neighborhood. If the home or office appears run-down or quite modest, this may mean the reader is not as accurate as she claims. Not all psychics live in mansions, of course, but successful ones probably reflect an element of status. Psychic Medium Reading Legitimacy Avoid consulting a psychic medium during a period of emotional turmoil. Some people get so scared by traumatic circumstances or turned off by doctors and counselors that they will grab at any lifeline of information fraudulent psychics offer. It is best to seek a psychic medium reading when things are relatively calm and you are able to practice good self-control. Otherwise, in desperation, you could leak facts that will let a scam artist con you into thinking she is really providing help. Do’s and Don’ts of Psychic Medium Readings Do compare mediums’ credentials to find one that is best suited to your needs. Avoid anyone who claims to have unusual supernatural skills or ESP (extrasensory perception) that seems super-human. Do compose your emotions and appearance to hide any revealing information about yourself. Your facial expression, style of dress, personal mannerisms, and emotional outbursts can tell a psychic, especially a false one, a great deal about you to make it look like she knows all these things from a paranormal reading, when in fact, she is merely interpreting your physical appearance or reactions. Do report fraudulent claims or unprofessional behavior to the Better Business Bureau. Do take a friend with you and compare notes afterward. Don’t let yourself be persuaded to buy supplemental items such as candles or talisman unless you really believe they are needed. Don’t pay exorbitant rates to a psychic medium, especially for questionable services. Don’t say a lot about yourself or answer many questions; let the psychic do the talking. Don’t be led to believe things about yourself or others without supporting facts. Visiting a psychic reader can be lightly entertaining or profoundly revealing, depending on what you are looking for. Take a professional approach to consulting a medium, and keep a level head when accepting advice or guidance  Don’t get so wrapped up in the spiritual world that you are unable to fully enjoy this one. Above all, don’t be misled into thinking the psychic medium has extraordinary powers until you see proof.