First, Know Your Rights

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the First Amendment protects your right to assemble and protest on public property, such as streets, sidewalks, parks, government buildings, and plazas. You also have a right to medical assistance without delay if you become injured. Police and law enforcement officials also have rights. The ACLU’s Know Your Rights When Protesting guide can help you brush up.

Pack Smart

Amnesty International advises bringing an assortment of energy snacks (nuts are a great choice) and plenty of water. You should also eat and hydrate before you leave the house. Make sure you have cash and coins, a form of identification, and a pen and paper. Basic first aid supplies are also worth tucking into your bag. Don’t forget sunscreen and a hat. If you decide to bring your cellphone, disable the Face or Touch ID modes so that no one can force you to unlock it without your consent. Experts on online privacy also recommend backing up your data beforehand and turning on Airplane Mode.

Protect Yourself From COVID-19

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that it’s no longer necessary to wear a mask outside in most cases, the agency says that attending a large gathering or event increases your risk of getting or spreading COVID-19. For safety’s sake, wear a well-fitted mask. “While outdoor gatherings are lower risk, exposure can occur in crowds, and masking remains the most effective way of protecting from infection," says Inessa Gendlina, MD, PhD, an infectious diseases physician at Montefiore Health System and assistant professor in the department of medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. Masks are particularly important for protests that take place indoors and in other areas with limited ventilation, Dr. Gendlina says. COVID-19 safety also includes staying up-to-date with vaccines and boosters per CDC recommendations, she adds. If you are concerned about getting or spreading COVID-19 or if you have any symptoms, Gendlina suggests taking a rapid home test before heading out and then testing again 24 hours later. If results are negative but you have symptoms, seek out a PCR test, which is more sensitive than a home test. If you do have COVID-19, stay home.

Take Extra Precautions if You Have a Chronic Condition

Spending a long day in a crowd of protesters can take its toll on the body, especially if you’re already managing a chronic condition. “People with chronic conditions should listen to their bodies and not exert themselves too much, particularly in the heat,” says Anjeni Keswani, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences and director of the Allergy and Sinus Center at The GW Medical Faculty Associates in Washington, DC. If you have asthma or severe allergies, Dr. Keswani suggests bringing your inhaler (particularly a rescue inhaler), allergy medications, and a lifesaving EpiPen, if your doctor has prescribed one. Wearing a mask to prevent COVID-19 can also help protect you from inhaling allergens and irritants, which can trigger asthma symptoms. And hydration is critical; make sure to carry plenty of water or other drinks. If you have diabetes, the nonprofit group Beyond Type 1 recommends bringing double the amount of water you think you might need, an assortment of high-carbohydrate and high-protein snacks, and glucagon (nasal or injectable kit). It’s also helpful to have both fast-acting glucose, like glucose tabs or gels (to raise your blood sugar quickly if you experience a low) and substantial snacks to keep your blood sugar stable. Check the Beyond Type 1 site for more advice.

Prepare for Injury if You Anticipate Chaos

While many protests remain peaceful, the threat of a demonstration turning chaotic is real. If this happens you could get hurt from a fall, from shoving or trampling, or from crowd-control measures such as tear gas or pepper spray. According to Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), wearing a mask, face shield, hat, clothing fully covering your arms and legs, and closed-toe shoes can help minimize direct exposure to chemicals in tear gas or pepper spray. Goggles or a wet bandana over your nose and mouth will help protect your face. You can find additional tips for how to cope with tear gas or pepper spray on the PHR site. Be sure to bring your emergency phone numbers. You might even decide to write your own emergency contact’s phone number on your arm with a Sharpie, just in case.

Use the Buddy System

It’s wise to attend a protest with someone you trust or a small group of friends, especially if you have any chronic health concerns. Make a safety plan in advance and discuss it to ensure everyone’s on the same page. Set up a group chat to communicate and make sure to identify any first aid stations and nearby bathrooms. Pick a spot where people can meet up if they get separated.

Find Other Ways to Support Your Cause

If you don’t feel safe protesting or can’t do so, there are other ways to get involved. You can donate money, drop off supplies, or contact your local legislators.