One of the overarching goals in bipolar disorder is to prevent mania, says Konstantin Nikiforov, MD, associate director of the Galynker Family Center for Bipolar Disorder in New York City. Mania is the period where people may make choices that destroy relationships, harm their reputation at work, and create financial problems, among other potentially life-altering consequences. In general, lows follow highs, and “the higher you go, the lower you go,” says Dr. Nikiforov. “The idea is to stop manic episodes right away or prevent them from happening,” he explains. “In the long run, the condition gets worse with each manic episode. The more you have, the harder the condition is to control.” Controlling bipolar disorder doesn’t mean just taking medication. In fact, treatment can be challenging at times. “The most effective treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of psychotherapy and medication management,” says Desreen N. Dudley, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist and senior behavioral health consultant with Teladoc Health. “Treatment tends to be ongoing as the condition is lifelong, and there will be times where you’ll need to make adjustments to your routine, coping strategies, or medication regimen.” Bipolar disorder treatment often evolves throughout the years, so it’s important to ask yourself how well your plan is working for you. Take this assessment to help you determine if there are some elements missing that could maximize your care or tweaks that may need to be made. Then talk to your doctor about possible changes to your medications, psychotherapy, or lifestyle habits.