Age: 54 Condition: Multiple sclerosis (MS) How long she’s been living with MS: 34 years I am at a point with my multiple sclerosis (MS) where I find that every task and function — from getting to one point from another, to having to get to a doctor’s appointment, to showering, to standing to do a task, writing, and more — is affected by MS. Mobility is key to anyone’s existence, and my mobility has become a matter of survival. I have become a serious fall risk, even when using a walker in the house. I wish I could use my arms to walk instead of my compromised legs — and that is exactly what ended up happening with the Karman S-ERGO 115 manual wheelchair.

What Is the Karman S-ERGO 115 Wheelchair?

The S-ERGO 115 is made by a company called Karman, which manufactures a line of ergonomic wheelchairs. The S-ERGO 115 weighs 25 pounds (including the footrests) and has an overall width of 23 inches. The seating has an “S” shape that follows the body’s contours, so it doesn’t need additional cushions for comfort. The seat width comes in 16 and 18 inches. The 16-inch width suits me very well, and the seat has an antibacterial covering that comes off and is washable. The hand rims, also ergonomic, are easy to hold, which makes it easy to propel myself. There are two brakes for the tires that are engaged by pushing them forward until they click. There are two footrests that can be removed to put the chair in a vehicle trunk. The footrests can also be manipulated to move them off to the sides in case the chair needs to fit into a small space. The S-ERGO 115 can be collapsed by pushing up on either side of the cushion in the front of the chair and pushing the wheels together, making it ready for transport. The arm rests are convex and are comfortable and solid for use while sitting or for putting pressure on to stand. The chair can easily roll up to a table for working or eating. The wheelchair comes with a sturdy frame in red with a gray seat. The cost for this version, without accessories, is $350. Anti-tippers — attachments that prevent the wheelchair from tipping over backward — were an additional $46.

Here’s What Happened When I Tried It

My main reason for getting this wheelchair (which I bought personally based on the description) was for use inside my home. It has more than excelled in terms of movement and going from room to room. It even fits through a 26-inch-wide bathroom door with no difficulty. Given my bladder issues, I am glad to be able to take it all the way to the toilet. I am also able to reach lower cabinets in the kitchen while sitting comfortably on the seat. Picking things up off the floor is easy as well. The wheelchair has made bathing easier, too. I can park the wheelchair securely between the bathroom sink and the tub with the brakes on, and by moving the footrests off to the sides, it’s accessible in case I need to use it when I exit the tub.

Three Things I Like About the Karman S-ERGO 115 Wheelchair

For the most part, my experience using this wheelchair has been positive.

Four Things My Partner Dislikes About the Karman S-ERGO 115

My partner is the one who has to fold up the chair and put it in the car when we go places with it, and he has identified a few things he dislikes about it:

The Bottom Line

The bottom line for me is that I now have freedom to move around my home. This little chair has changed my life. I got this chair specifically for my home, and that is where it works best. My legs are tired and are feeling the strain of walking after three decades of having MS. It’s gotten difficult for me to answer my phone in the other room or to get something from the kitchen — but the wheelchair makes it possible. I can even answer the door! In addition to my legs resenting the effort it takes to walk, my body’s lack of balance puts me at risk of falling. More than anything, the chair is much safer for me at this point than walking. If I need an outdoor vehicle in the spring, I will work toward that goal. For now, my indoor wheelchair had made me more than happy and satisfied.

Other Ways I Manage MS

You can read more about my decision to get a wheelchair and about the reaction of some of my friends to my decision, and more on how I’ve stayed mobile over my years with multiple sclerosis.