Here are six IBD-friendly fruits and vegetables to try this summer, so that you can still enjoy the delicious produce that the season brings.

1. Peach and Nectarine Ice Pop Molds

Now that summer is here, peaches and nectarines have crowded out apples and citrus fruits on supermarket shelves and in farmer’s market displays. There is nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a juicy peach or nectarine on a hot summer day, and luckily, people with IBD can generally tolerate these fruits because they are soft and don’t contain seeds or stems. It’s best to select ripe peaches and nectarines, as they’re softest in texture and more likely to go down smoothly. If you are actively experiencing GI symptoms, cut the skins off of these fruits to eliminate their outer layer of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber may cause irritation to the gut lining during a flare, worsening symptoms. Peaches and nectarines contain certain nutrients that are particularly beneficial for those with IBD, such as potassium, which can replenish lost electrolytes, and antioxidants like vitamin C, which research shows people with IBD tend to lack. Peaches and nectarines are also a great source of prebiotic fiber, according to Monash University in Australia, which feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome. While peaches and nectarines are delicious eaten on their own, there are many other tasty and refreshing ways to enjoy these summer fruits. Try blending them with plain kefir and a drizzle of honey, then pouring the mixture into ice pop molds and freezing to make a nutrient-dense frozen treat. They’re also perfect for grilling, which caramelizes their natural sugars. Add a dollop of Greek yogurt on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon to turn your grilled peaches and nectarines into a delectable dessert. Summer squash is high in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that helps to regulate bowel activity and serves as food for beneficial gut microbes. In fact, a study published in June 2021 in the journal Genome Medicine found that higher intakes of pectin from food sources is associated with positive shifts in the gut microbiome and lower C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation. Per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), summer squash also contains potassium and carotenoids, which are precursors to vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a role in immune regulation, so maintaining adequate vitamin A levels is especially important for those with autoimmune conditions like IBD. Additionally, since vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, those with fat malabsorption as a result of their IBD may be low in this nutrient. Including more easy-to-digest sources of vitamin A, such as summer squash, can help you maintain sufficient levels. There are many ways to incorporate summer squash into your meals that are both tasty and gentle on your gut, such as sautéing spiralized zucchini “noodles” with tomato sauce and cooked lean ground turkey meat, pureeing avocado squash into a creamy soup, or grilling yellow squash and drizzling it with tahini sauce.

3. Eggplant Dip

When it comes to IBD-friendly vegetables, eggplant ranks high on the list, as it becomes soft and buttery when cooked, and its skin can easily be removed to minimize GI irritation. Furthermore, the tender inner portion of eggplant has a favorable soluble to insoluble fiber ratio and is rich in antioxidant compounds like phenolic acids, according to research published in July 2021 in the journal Applied Sciences. Eggplant also contains small amounts of essential vitamins A, C, K, and thiamin, as well as minerals like potassium, manganese, and copper, which can be harder to obtain during a flare when you may consume a more limited diet. While eggplant is perfect for simply throwing onto the grill at your next summer BBQ and enjoying as is, you can also blend cooked eggplant into flavorful dips for optimal digestibility. Baba ghanoush is one easy-to-make option that can be paired with pita bread and peeled cucumbers for dipping. Simply add roasted eggplant, a drizzle of tahini, lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and a garlic clove to a blender or food processor, then pulse until smooth.

4. Melon Smoothies

Honeydew, cantaloupe, and seedless watermelon are easy to digest and full of beneficial nutrients for people with IBD, like vitamins A and C, electrolytes, prebiotic fiber, and antioxidants. Fruits with red pigments like watermelon are especially rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which can help protect cells from damage, according to research published in the journal Antioxidants. Since melons have a high water content, they can also help you stay hydrated on hot summer days. There are plenty of ways to enjoy melons, from slicing and eating as is, to blending into smoothies and ice pops, or even adding to yogurt for a refreshing fruit parfait.

5. Steamed Asparagus Tips

Asparagus stalks are stringy and difficult to break down, but their tips are another story. Asparagus tips are not only soft but also a rich source of soluble fiber. As a result, cooked asparagus tips help to foster a healthy gut microbiome, since their soluble fiber also serves as a prebiotic source, according to the UMass Center for Applied Nutrition. Asparagus also contains nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K, along with potassium, folate, and the antioxidant glutathione, which has been studied for its potential anti-cancer properties and ability to fight inflammatory free radicals in the body. To prepare asparagus tips, try steaming, roasting, grilling, sautéing, or even pureeing them into a delicious soup.

6. Fresh Herb Dips and Sauces

Fresh herbs like dill, basil, mint, and parsley are not only great ways to add flavor to any dish, these plants also contain health benefits. Herbs like dill and oregano contain polyphenols, antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory agents. Additionally, herbs provide essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K; calcium; and iron in concentrations greater than that of vegetables. For example, gram for gram, parsley contains more iron and calcium than spinach, according to the USDA. While eating fresh herbs whole or mixed into a raw salad may lead to GI upset during an IBD flare, blending them into dips and sauces like pesto or hummus, and chilled summer soups like gazpacho, breaks down their fibers so that you can still reap all of their nutrition benefits. Fresh herbs are also perfect for steeping into iced tea, which may help entice you to stay on top of your hydration on hot summer days. And remember that even after summer is over, you can still enjoy the benefits of summer produce by freezing it, which preserves freshness and nutritional value for months after the season is over.