“The first thing I tell a family to do is to contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and use their support and educational resources,” says Andrew Savageau, MD, an assistant professor of psychiatry at The Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. Here are more steps your family can take to help a relative cope with schizophrenia.

1. Learn as much as you can about schizophrenia.

There are many misconceptions of schizophrenia in popular culture. By learning as much as you can about schizophrenia and educating others about the disease, you can separate the myths from facts and start to destigmatize the mental disorder. Plus, the more you know about schizophrenia, the better you’ll be at making informed decisions about your loved one’s care. Some key facts from NAMI: Schizophrenia can be treated; people with schizophrenia do not tend to be dangerous or violent; and many can — and do — lead full, rewarding lives.

2. Seek family counseling.

“Schizophrenia can be stressful for the entire family, so family therapy can be very helpful, especially early on,” Dr. Savageau says. For example, he says, couples counseling can help strengthen a marriage or partnership when one person (or the couple’s child) has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. “Living with schizophrenia can be a strain on a marriage,” he says, “and a struggling marriage makes it harder to be supportive for the person with schizophrenia.” A doctor may be able to recommend a good local counseling program that can help your family learn coping strategies, better ways of communicating, and problem-solving skills.

3. Develop a home treatment plan.

The goal is for people with schizophrenia to live at home, not in an institution, Savageau says. That often means family members need to know exactly how they’re going to manage their family member’s condition. Work with your doctor to develop a plan that includes medication adherence strategies, a list of possible relapse signs, and a plan for what to do when a relapse occurs, says Savageau. “This plan should be written out, and everyone should know what their responsibilities are,” he says.

A person with schizophrenia may go through periods where they are too ill to understand that they need to be treated, according to NAMI. Because of this, you should have a legal document — called a psychiatric advance directive — that spells out what to do in that situation. “An advance directive should specify what hospital to go to, what doctor to call, and what family member is making decisions,” Savageau says. “It must be legal and binding.” You can access specific state-by-state information on these legal documents on the National Resource Center on Psychiatric Advance Directives website.

5. Make your home a safe place.

Part of family education and counseling is learning how to create a supportive home environment. The National Institute of Mental Health explains that it’s important to be respectful and kind but not tolerate dangerous behavior. “Avoid arguments and confrontations,” says Savageau. “It can be a challenge, especially when a person with schizophrenia is dealing with delusions or hallucinations, but you need use your communication and problem-solving skills.”

6. Boost your loved one’s self-confidence.

Your home should be a safe space, not a hiding place. It’s important to encourage your relative to take some responsibility for their health and become as self-reliant as possible. “Allowing your loved one to drop out of school or not have a job is unhealthy,” Savageau says. “Even a part-time job or a few classes can help foster responsibility and create a sense of independence. Being overprotective can prevent them from developing the confidence and social skills they need to succeed.”

7. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Being a caregiver to someone with schizophrenia can be stressful, and it’s not uncommon for people who assume this role to experience burnout. According to a 2008 NAMI survey of schizophrenia caregivers, more than 50 percent have trouble finding time to take care of their own health. One way to find support and resources is to join a caregiver support group. Visit NAMI to find one in your area.