As a general rule, if that spot you’re staring at is new to you, it’s a good idea to check in with your dermatologist, says John Wolf Jr., MD, a dermatologist, professor and chairman of the dermatology department at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “I strongly recommend a full-body exam for anyone over age 50 - maybe even earlier for some patients,” he says. People who have a personal or family history of skin cancer should go for an exam sooner. What appear to be new age spots or liver spots could be a good excuse to get this process started. Even if your dermatologist finds no sign of skin cancer, he or she can let you know whether you have skin issues to watch out for. This doesn’t just apply to fair-skinned people either: Dark-skinned individuals can also get skin cancer - and sometimes it’s harder to see the early signs of it without professional help. If you have an age spot, it will probably fall into one of three categories: If a bump grows on a mole or in a previously flat, discolored spot, see your dermatologist right away to get checked for possible skin cancer. One reason to call your dermatologist immediately is that if melanoma is diagnosed early, “it can be cured with surgery,” says Wolf. But once it starts to deepen or spread to other parts of your body, melanoma can be difficult to treat. If you see a suspicious spot on your skin, run through the ABCs of melanoma, says Wolf. They are:

Asymmetry means that the growth is different on one side than on the other. One side is typically bigger.Look at the border. “If it is irregular, that’s a suspicious sign,” says Wolf.The color of the lesion (or growth) is also telling. Lesions with more than one color are suspicious. The darker the lesion, the greater your concern should be.Melanomas tend to be larger in diameter than a pencil eraser. Wolf warns that this guideline isn’t completely reliable, however - melanomas can be very small and still be problematic.Consider the evolution (or change) of your skin spot. Sudden changes, bleeding, itching, and pain all require a doctor’s appointment for further diagnosis.

When your doctor is concerned about a particular spot, he or she might remove part or all of it and send it off for a biopsy. If you simply have age spots, as is the case most often, you have several options if they bother you for cosmetic reasons. A dermatologist can remove or lighten the spots (although insurance might not cover this procedure). Your doctor might recommend freezing the spot, using a chemical peel, or trying a laser treatment. You can also help prevent new ones by using sunscreen regularly.

Melanoma  Age  Sun or Liver Spots  How to Tell the Difference - 92