A new survey from Everyday Health and Castle Connolly suggests many patients are willing to make the effort. Nearly half said that they’re considering a switch this year. Twenty percent of people said looking for a new doctor is something that’s always on their to-do list or something they consider every year, while another 25 percent of respondents said it’s now on their mind more than ever. The survey involved close to 1,300 consumers and 287 healthcare professionals. Living through the COVID-19 pandemic may have more people focused on their physical and mental health, and motivated to make a change if they don’t have a strong relationship with their doctor, says Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH, who specializes in internal medicine. “We all know someone who had COVID-19, or someone who had a medical issue and because of the pandemic they had to use telemedicine, or someone who went to the hospital and had a rough experience because it was so crowded,” Dr. Cassoobhoy says. “All of these health issues are so much more real and in our face right now, and that may make us more motivated to find physicians who meet our needs."

What Patients Value Most in a Doctor

What patients want more than anything is for doctors to make space for their questions and listen to their concerns, the survey suggests. Sixty-one percent of respondents listed this as one of their top two priorities in searching for new physicians. Doctors’ credentials mattered but not quite as much. Forty-eight percent of participants ranked this in their top two priorities. Another 45 percent prioritize compassion, while 23 percent cited access to online scheduling, telemedicine, and the time it takes to get an appointment.

How Patients Are Seeking Out New Care

When asked to rank the best resources for finding new doctors, 42 percent of all survey respondents said they would rely most on recommendations from doctors they already receive care from. Another 29 percent of people said their top source of recommendations would be friends, family, and coworkers. And about 1 in 5 people said they would be most likely to scour websites with physician ratings and reviews when seeking out a new doctor. “Asking a doctor you like for a referral is smart because they may steer you to a clinician with a similar approach to patient care,” Cassoobhoy says. “Turning to friends and family is also a big help because they’ll tell you practical things like how easy it is to find parking or how long they keep you waiting or whether the nurses and staff are approachable."

Why Patients Are Looking for a New Doctor Now

Some people may also feel like it’s time for a change because they feel like they’re not as healthy now as they were before the COVID-19 pandemic, Cassoobhoy says. Many of us are experiencing unexpected and unwelcome life changes, she explains, and these stressors can manifest in subtle ways, such as with changes in eating and sleeping habits, or with more obvious effects, like worsening depression or anxiety. In the survey, about 54 percent of doctors reported that their patients’ health was worse now, while only 29 percent of patients said this was true of their personal health. Similarly, 87 percent of physicians saw deterioration in both physical and mental health for their patients, compared with 63 percent of patients. “Patients think they’re still healthy because they don’t notice changes, but doctors know the risk of diabetes and heart disease and stroke have increased even though the patient standing in front of them says they feel fine and don’t feel any different from a year ago,” Cassoobhoy says.

What to Do if You’re Looking to Change Your Doctor

There are several things you can do as you look for a new doctor to help ensure that the change results in somebody who meets your needs. Cassoobhoy says a well-trained doctor will listen to you and ask thoughtful questions as you tell your story. When they share their thoughts with you, you should be able to ask questions in return, she adds. Last, the office visit should feel collaborative and respectful, finishing with a logical, clear plan of what the doctor and his or her staff will do next, and what you need to do. Also, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) advises people to do what a lot of survey respondents are already doing: Ask your doctor and trusted friends and family members for recommendations. Once you have somebody in mind who seems like a good fit, check with your insurance company to make sure the provider is covered by your health plan, HHS advises. Double check this by also calling the doctor’s office to confirm this on their end before your first appointment. While you’re on the phone confirming the doctor accepts your insurance, there are some other things you should ask, according to HHS. Find out what hospital the doctor uses, who will see you if your doctor isn’t there, whether the doctor treats your specific medical conditions, and whether the doctor speaks your preferred language. You may also want to ask about the cancellation policy, how long it takes to get appointments, how long checkups typically last, and whether the doctor can run lab work or X-rays in the office, HHS suggests. During that first visit, think about how the doctor and office staff make you feel, HHS advises. If the doctor doesn’t make you feel comfortable, show respect for what you have to say, know your medical history, and spend enough time with you then it may be worth continuing your search. “There are plenty of wonderful doctors out there,” Cassoobhoy says. “It may seem like a daunting task, but it’s well worth the effort to look for a doctor and office staff that value communication and kindness along with great medical care.” The Everyday Health–Castle Connolly Physician-Consumer Parallel Pandemic POV Survey was conducted in November and December 2021 across three audiences: a research panel of 1,007 consumers; 289 Everyday Health visitors, and 287 Castle Connolly healthcare professionals.