But before anyone goes throwing out comments about wasted money and ridiculous research projects, know that there was solid scientific theory behind why someone would even propose introducing hookworm larvae into the body to treat MS.

The Hygiene Hypothesis of Autoimmune Disease

First, there’s what’s known as the hygiene hypothesis for autoimmune conditions. This hypothesis is based on the idea that the decreasing incidence of infections in Western countries, and more recently in developing countries, is at the root of the increasing incidence of both autoimmune and allergic diseases. In other words, cleaner environments do not allow the immune system to properly or fully develop responses to invaders, because those interlopers don’t exist in clean living spaces. Multiple sclerosis is one of the conditions for which researchers feel the hygiene hypothesis might apply.

Benefits of Worms in Animal Models of MS

Secondary to the hygiene hypothesis in this case is the appearance that in animal models of MS, helminth (the scientific, and quite frankly less icky term for hookworms) treatment appeared to be protective. As squeamish-making as it may sound, there were valid reasons for hope.

Not So Much in Humans

Turns out the treatment had some positive effects, but not enough, researchers felt, to warrant further study. The study enrolled 69 people with either relapsing-remitting or secondary-progressive MS, and while the treatment didn’t have a marked effect on the cumulative number of new or enlarging T2 lesions or newly enhancing lesions over four to nine months, it did have what appeared to be a positive effect on disease activity as seen on MRI scans: 51 percent of the study participants who received the treatment showed no detectable disease activity on MRI, versus 28 percent of those who received a placebo. When compared with current MS treatments, however, the researchers admit that at best, the use of hookworms as a therapy is surpassed by the efficacy of even the lowest-potency MS disease-modifying drugs.

Maybe There’s Still Something We Can Learn From It

So, the long and short of it is that getting infected with hookworms seems to have a benefit for people with MS, but not enough of a benefit to outpace current prescription medications. I’m glad to hear it! But, I suppose, the most important information from the study goes beyond the fact that worms do seem to change MS. It’s why and how they affect the course of the disease that will be the subject of more (and hopefully less wormy) research. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis