“Negative emotions are perfectly normal in those circumstances, [so] don’t blame yourself,” says Esther Sternberg, MD, research director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. “Of course you feel angry when you can’t do the simple things you used to be able to do like open up a jar or reach for something on a high shelf; that’s normal.” This anger response might even be a built-in biological response, says Madelyn Petrow-Cohen, LCSW, SEP, a psychotherapist based in the New York City metro area. “When you can’t do things as easily as you once did and you feel like you’re missing out or that people don’t understand, this is a survival threat — and anger is a survival response,” she says. Certainly, anger could fuel a caveman as he ran away from a prowling lion. But living with psoriatic arthritis is much more than a momentary threat, it’s a long-term journey, and you don’t want to get stuck in a continual loop of anger, says Petrow-Cohen. The key isn’t to squash your anger — it’s to change your experience with anger. Sometimes people with psoriatic arthritis rely on coping methods that end up backfiring instead of helping. For example, disengaging, blaming yourself, or feeling negative about your future with the disease could make you feel worse, according to a study published in August 2017 in Arthritis Care & Research. So what’s the solution? Use one of these proven techniques and strategies to manage your anger and live better with psoriatic arthritis.

Try cognitive behavioral therapy

Add a psychologist to your healthcare team. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most strongly evidence-based treatment for psychological consequences of illness, says Louise Sharpe, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Sydney. CBT helps people trade unhelpful thought patterns for more helpful ones. “[CBT helps] people make changes in their behavior and aims to foster an optimistic, but realistic attitude toward the illness,” she says. Many psychologists have training in CBT; you can find a local one at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Go to family therapy

For some people with chronic diseases, family members are sources of agitation instead of relief. Perhaps they don’t understand your symptoms or resent the fact that you need their help. Ask them to join you in family therapy. “Family therapists can address the family system and help you and family members cope,” says Dr. Sternberg. Find one at the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Make time to meditate

Slow things down and focus on your breathing. In a study published in February 2016 in Consciousness and Cognition, participants felt less angry after just one meditation session. Meditation can reduce your heart rate and blood pressure and help you slow down the train of negative emotions. “Meditation can help you create more space around the anger,” says Petrow-Cohen. Many health networks offer classes in meditation, or you could use a meditation app such as Insight Timer or 10% Happier to get in the habit. Remember, meditation takes practice, so it’s OK if it doesn’t help the first time.

Plan a date with nature

Forest bathing — which involves immersing yourself in nature — has gotten a lot of attention recently, but it’s not a fad. “There’s something about nature that helps people heal emotionally,” says Sternberg. In a study published in August 2017 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, people who spent two hours outdoors — taking in sights, inhaling the scent of trees, touching leaves and trees, and listening to singing birds and running streams — reduced their hostility by 55 percent.

Take a walk

If you feel well enough, take a walk. Research published in August 2016 in the journal Emotion suggests that walking can stir up positive emotions. Double-up the benefits with a walking meditation. Sternberg recommends slowly walking a labyrinth, or maze-like pattern like the one that famously adorns the floor of the Cathedral of Chartres in France. Use the Labyrinth Locator to find one near you.

Call your friends

When you’re in chronic pain, disruptions to your social life can be a major cause of emotional distress, according to a study published in December 2015 in the journal Pain. “It’s important to have social support and to tap into your network of friends, family, religious affiliation, or even a patient support group,” says Sternberg. Find an arthritis support group near you in the Arthritis Foundation directory.

Channel your feelings into art

Start a journal and take five to 10 minutes each morning to write about how you’re feeling. “If you’re inclined, it can be a great way to be with, be aware of, and be more open to your feelings,” says Petrow-Cohen. If you’re more visual than verbal, try drawing or painting instead. These creative outlets can also help you work through an acute burst of anger. Persistent anger and irritability can be signs of depression. If your anger persists, talk to your doctor about your symptoms and treatment options.