For a complicated condition like psoriatic arthritis, it’s important to make the best of this time with your doctor. But this doesn’t always happen. “In general, people don’t know how to make the most of their doctor visits,” says Stuart Kaplan, MD, chief of rheumatology at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, New York. But with good planning, you’ll be better prepared to talk with your doctor and get the best care for your psoriatic arthritis.

Making the Most of Your Psoriatic Arthritis Checkup

You should work closely with your doctor to find an effective treatment plan and stay on top of managing psoriatic arthritis, Dr. Kaplan says. This is true whether you recently changed doctors or you have new symptoms or concerns to share with your current doctor. When approaching your next psoriatic arthritis checkup, try these tips:

1. Prioritize the discussion.

It’s not the time to ask your doctor about his or her last vacation or catch up about family. When your doctor enters the room, be ready to start talking business — how you’re feeling and how your symptoms may have changed since your last visit, Kaplan says.

3. Share test results.

Ludmer also says to bring the results of any recent lab or diagnostic tests or to give the dates and locations of any tests that were done since your last visit.

4. Follow your doctor’s lead.

Your doctor has a specific way of assessing your psoriatic arthritis and will ask you questions in a particular order to get an idea of how you’re doing. It’s best to follow your doctor’s lead and answer questions as honestly as possible, Kaplan says. This is usually more effective than bringing your own log of symptoms unless your doctor has requested it.

5. Point out changes.

Once your doctor has done an assessment, it’s time to bring up any issues that haven’t already been discussed. For example, tell your doctor if something that wasn’t swollen before is swollen now or if you have new pain, Kaplan says. It’s especially important to point out affected areas of your body that aren’t easily seen, such as swollen toes or psoriasis on your scalp.

6. Show photos if necessary.

Psoriatic arthritis symptoms like swollen joints or skin rashes may come and go, so Ludmer tells people to take photos with their cellphones to show their doctor in the office. “The best way to photograph psoriatic arthritis flares is to take several photos, including both normal and abnormal spots,” such as swollen fingers on your left hand and unaffected fingers on your right, she says.

7. Be honest.

If you’re missing medication doses or having concerns about side effects, be sure to tell your doctor. “Often there isn’t one correct way to do things,” Ludmer says. “The more information you share, the better your doctor can tailor your treatment.”

8. Be precise.

Saying the medication is “no good” doesn’t help. Tell your doctor exactly what happened. Did you see no change in symptoms? Did the drug start working but then wear off? Did you have an allergic reaction? Did it make you sick? Answering these questions will help your doctor understand the problem, Kaplan says.

9. Bring a list of things you want to discuss.

If there’s any chance you might forget to mention something important, such as a new or worsening symptom or a medication side effect, write it down ahead of time.

10. If needed, bring a family member. 

It may be helpful to have a family member or close friend with you to help remember what your doctor says and to make sure all your questions or concerns are addressed. In particular, older people with memory problems or people who have trouble speaking their doctor’s language should bring someone to help communicate with the doctor.

11. Show up informed.

It’s always a good idea to research and understand your condition and treatment options. If you read something that concerns you, Ludmer suggests bringing the article with you to your appointment. “Some sources of information aren’t reliable, and other times people misinterpret what they’ve read,” she says. The most important step for your next checkup: developing an open and trusting relationship with your doctor. This is how you’ll be able to work together to get the best care for your psoriatic arthritis.