“You just don’t want to overdo it,” says Stephen Lindsey, MD, clinical professor of medicine at Louisiana State University Medical School and rheumatologist at Children’s Hospital in New Orleans. Feeling a little sore after regular exercise is fine. “But if you’re completely sore the next day, you probably did too much,” he says. “Common sense is a big part of choosing your exercise program if you have psoriatic arthritis.”

The Best Types of Exercise for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis can impact different joints and affect everyone differently. Perhaps you have arthritis only in your hands, or maybe you have a debilitating, deforming form called arthritis mutilans. If you also have psoriasis, the severity of the skin disease will further help you inform what your exercise regimen should look like. In general, people who have psoriatic arthritis should aim to incorporate three kinds of exercise into their overall fitness plan:

1. Strength training

These exercises are designed to increase muscle strength. The stronger your muscles, the more stable your joints. Strength-training exercises include two types: isometric and isotonic. In isometric exercises, you tighten muscles without moving your joints — for example, holding a five-pound weight straight out in front of your body. In isotonic exercises, you tighten your muscles by moving your joints, as in more traditional weight-training exercises such as biceps curls. “Opt for light weights with lots of repetition and avoid heavy weights,” which may aggravate your joints, says Dr. Lindsey. Aim to do strength training two or three times a week, on alternating days — though you may need to work yourself up to this regimen.

2. Range-of-motion exercises

These involve gently stretching your joints as far as you can in each direction. Performing range-of-motion exercises can help keep your joints flexible and prevent you from feeling stiff. Aim to perform range-of-motion exercises daily, like wrists bends, arm circles, and leg raises — but take breaks as needed to protect your joints.

3. Endurance exercises

These activities can help improve your cardiovascular fitness and overall health as well as your psoriatic arthritis symptoms. The best endurance exercises for people who have psoriatic arthritis are walking, swimming, and biking, Lindsey says. In a study published in 2021 in the journal Rheumatology and Therapy, walking, combined with continuous health education, reduced the incidence of flares. If you’re able, running is fine too. Just be sure to run on softer surfaces to avoid any repetitive, hard impact on your joints. Many people who have psoriatic arthritis also find exercising in warm water to be beneficial. “Exercising in a pool is great, because it takes the stress off your joints,” says Lindsey. You don’t have to be a good swimmer to participate in water exercises. Local Ys and aquatics clubs often have classes for people with arthritis and related conditions, taught by specially trained instructors. The Arthritis Foundation says waist-deep water lessens weight on joints by 50 percent and recommends water walking for all types of arthritis. Keep in mind that if you’re using topical treatments for psoriasis, you may need to reapply after leaving the pool. Aim to incorporate a minimum of 20 minutes of endurance activities into your fitness routine at least two or three times a week. Just be sure to ease in and don’t overdo it, or else you may end up aggravating your joints.

Listen to Your Body

Your body will tell you how much exercise you need and when you’re doing too much. Lindsey says it’s best to start out slowly and build up your program. For example, if you start a walking regimen, try 10 to 15 minutes the first day or two, and then 15 to 20 minutes the third time, and so on. “Gradually increase your time and how fast you walk,” he suggests. If you’re not feeling particularly well one day, it’s okay to skip your exercise routine, Lindsey says. If you’re sore from a workout, ask your doctor if you can take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like ibuprofen. “Check in to make sure you’re not taking so much medication that it could cause side effects,” Lindsey advises.

Talk to Your Doctor Before You Get Started

Because there are different types of psoriatic arthritis, your doctor, physical therapist, or occupational therapist can help you plan an exercise program that fits your specific needs and abilities. The important thing is to get moving so you can start to feel better — without overdoing it and further taxing your joints.