When you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), building your diet around foods that help curb the inflammatory response is important, but that’s easier said than done — especially when it comes to desserts. RELATED: The 8 Best Winter Fruits to Help Keep You Healthy The hope is that anti-inflammatory diets will help lessen the chronic inflammation and therefore lessen the painful symptoms many people with RA live with each day. “It may also lessen the damage that inflammation causes to joint cells and blood vessels. Chemicals found in fruits, vegetables, and some spices can impact the production of inflammatory markers found in high levels in people with RA. Some may even act in similar ways to nonsteroidal pain relievers,” explains Lona Sandon, PhD, an associate professor in the department of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, who also has RA. There’s no magic-bullet food that will slow down the condition’s progression, but healthy choices will keep your body properly fueled so you can decrease your chances of rheumatoid arthritis-associated illnesses such as heart disease. By selecting small-portion, low-calorie desserts, you can get the nutrition you need while still satisfying that sweet tooth. RELATED: 7 Foods That Fight Back: Immune System Boosters

To Start, Make Healthy Substitutions

In general, try to keep added sugar to less than six to nine teaspoons per day by reducing the number of sugary foods you eat each day, says Dr. Sandon. “A bowl of fresh berries is a healthier way to go than a slice of berry pie. Yogurt with no sugar added can replace ice cream. Healthy fats from snacking on almonds or walnuts is better for you than snacking on candy bars and do not come with added sugar and calories.” Ruth Frechman, RDN, author of The Food Is My Friend Diet, adds, “Desserts don’t have to be cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies, or brownies. Choosing desserts with a fruit base adds necessary nutrients as well as delicious flavors. For example, pairing strawberries with rhubarb for a crumble is a wonderful dessert. Half the fun is trying new recipes.” RELATED: 7 Tops Fruits to Support Weight Loss (and How to Enjoy Them)

Eight Yummy Dessert Ideas That People With RA Can Feel Good About

1. Fruit Salad 

Fruit contains different anti-inflammatory compounds, so toss your salad with a variety of delicious produce like oranges and strawberries, says Sandon.

2. Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate makes for a tasty dessert. “However, the percentage of cacao is not a useful standard,” says Frechman. “The amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are dependent on the processing.” For instance, Frechman says a dark chocolate bar could be made up of 90 percent cacao and not have any health benefits. Instead, choose 100 percent unprocessed cacao (natural unsweetened cocoa). Side note: Frechman says she puts a teaspoon of cocoa powder in her coffee for a delicious mocha latte. Or how about a dark chocolate dipped frozen banana? RELATED: 8 Healthy Reasons to Eat Dark Chocolate

3. Yogurt With Berries, Granola, or Walnuts 

This treat is full of protein and antioxidants, says Sandon, and blueberries are a great option. In a survey of 217 people living with RA published in February 2017 in Arthritis Care & Research, more than 10 percent of respondents said blueberries improved RA symptoms. Buy plain, low-fat yogurt to avoid the high sugar levels of flavored snacks. If you don’t want granola, opt for a handful of heart-healthy nuts like walnuts, which offer omega-3 benefits — nutritious fats that reduce inflammation. RELATED: Will the Keto Diet Help Ease Joint Pain?

4. Cottage Cheese With Berries and Cinnamon

Just like yogurt desserts, this treat offers a healthy dose of protein from the cottage cheese. Plus, past research shows that cinnamon can help protect against inflammation and high cholesterol. A review of studies published in December 2016 in the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences also found cinnamon inhibits the rise of a category of pro-inflammatory small proteins called cytokines, which past research shows are involved in both the initiation and the persistence of pathologic pain. Any cheeses high in whey, such as cottage cheese, are strong antioxidants, according to MDLinx. RELATED: Eat These 8 Foods to Help Beat RA Inflammation

5. Pineapple Upside-Down Cake 

Pineapple is a great anti-inflammatory food, and pineapple upside-down cake is usually a midrange calorie choice if you stick to a 2-inch portion size, says Frechman.

6. Yogurt With Banana and Curry 

This unique dessert provides a sweet treat with an added anti-inflammatory boost from the Indian spice curry, Frechman adds. RELATED: 13 Herbs and Spices for Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom Relief

7. Cherry Cobbler 

Similar to pineapples, cherries are RA foods that can pack a healthy anti-inflammatory punch, Frechman says. Eat a small serving of cobbler, which has less crust than pie.

8. Grilled Peaches With Ricotta Cheese 

According to the Arthritis Foundation, canned peaches in syrup contain more vitamin C (a great inflammation fighter) than fresh. Grill or lightly broil, then add a dollop of buffalo ricotta, which reduces oxidative stress, says a study published in July 2018 in International Journal of Molecular Science. RELATED: 5 Iced Tea Recipes for Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom Relief

Be Smart and You Can Satisfy That Sweet Tooth

In general, Frechman states that when you have RA, be aware of the potential risk for nutrient deficiencies. “Following healthy guidelines, even with desserts, goes a long way to achieving better overall health. Focus on a plant-based diet which includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Be sure to include low fat calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.” RELATED: Does the Autoimmune Protocol Diet Help Rheumatoid Arthritis?