While anyone can develop lung cancer, some people are more likely to get a diagnosis than others. Certain risk factors can be controlled and others can’t. Either way, identifying the potential culprits could help you develop strategies to prevent the disease.

Lifestyle Risk Factors

Some lifestyle behaviors can raise your risk for lung cancer. These may include:

Smoking According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who smoke cigarettes are between 15 and 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer compared with nonsmokers. Your chances of having lung cancer are higher the more you smoke. Being exposed to secondhand smoke also ups your risk.Diet Some research suggests a poor diet may be linked to lung cancer. Also, certain supplements, such as beta-carotene, have been associated with this cancer.Exposure to chemicals Being around cancer-causing substances, such as asbestos, radon gas, arsenic, diesel exhaust, and coal products, to name a few, can increase your risk of developing lung cancer.Your job Occupations that require you to be in contact with industrial chemicals may raise your chances of lung cancer. For instance, military service workers may be exposed to various hazardous substances.

Family History and Genes

If you have a parent, sibling, or child with lung cancer, you’re also at an increased risk for developing the disease, especially if your relative was diagnosed at a young age. Some people have a genetic predisposition for lung cancer. You can be born with certain gene mutations, or more commonly, you can acquire them throughout your lifetime. Mutations in the KRAS genes are thought to occur in about a quarter of all lung cancer cases, while a significantly smaller number of patients have mutations in EGFR and BRAF. About 5 percent of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLS) cases have a change in a gene called ALK and 2 percent of cases have a change in ROS1. Other, less-common gene mutations can also increase your risk for lung cancer. Some mutations can be targeted by oral medications, so knowing whether your tumor has a mutation may guide which treatment a doctor can offer patients with NSCLC.

Age and Gender

As with most cancers, you’re more likely to have lung cancer if you’re older. Indeed, two out of three people who are diagnosed with this cancer are age 65 or older. Men have a higher risk of lung cancer than women. The lifetime chance that a man will have lung cancer is about 1 in 14, compared with a woman’s risk of 1 in 17.

Previous Health Conditions and Treatments

Certain health conditions and treatments can affect your lung cancer risk, including:

Previous lung diseases Conditions such as tuberculosis (TB), can lead to scarring of the lung tissue, which can increase the risk of lung cancer.HIV infection People with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are three times more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer. Experts believe this link exists because HIV weakens a person’s immune system and lowers the body’s ability to fight infections, which could lead to cancer.Radiation to the chest Your risk for lung cancer increases if you’ve had radiation to the chest area. People who are treated for Hodgkin’s disease or breast cancer sometimes undergo this therapy.

Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer

Avoiding risk factors may help lower your chances of developing lung cancer. While there’s no sure way to completely prevent the disease, you can reduce your risk by taking the following precautions:

Stay away from smoke. Don’t start smoking, and avoid being around others who smoke. If you live with people who smoke, encourage them to quit or ask them to limit their smoking to outdoor areas.Stop smoking. If you do smoke, stop now. Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take to lower your risk of lung cancer, even if you’ve smoked for years. Talk to your doctor about proven ways to quit.Avoid harmful chemicals. Try to stay away from any cancer-causing substances. If you know you’ll be exposed to certain chemicals at work, wear appropriate equipment, such as a protective face mask. You can also have the radon levels in your home checked to determine if they’re high.Eat a healthy diet. Eating foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants may lower your risk of developing cancer, including lung cancer. Aim to consume a variety of fruits and veggies throughout the day.Exercise frequently. Incorporate physical activity into your schedule on most days of the week.Don’t take beta-carotene supplements. You may want to avoid large doses of vitamins in pill form entirely, but especially steer clear of beta-carotene supplements.