But, ultimately, when we do take care of ourselves and our needs is when we’re best able to show up for all of the other people and responsibilities in our lives. “Self-care is not selfish,” explains Christine Carter, PhD, a sociologist and senior fellow at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California in Berkeley. Focusing on what makes us feel nourished and what gives us meaning is part of easing feelings of stress and anxiety and giving us a more solid foundation, she says. After more than a year and a half, it’s become fully apparent that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live forever, from our work arrangements to our recreational activities to our social lives. This new reality poses unique sets of challenges for all of us. Practicing self-care is more essential than ever when it comes to taking care of our emotional health and well-being amid these changes, Carter says. RELATED: Why Your Pre-Pandemic Routines May Sound Exhausting Self-care can include myriad practices that you find enjoyable and also promote your physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental health in some way. According to the definition from the World Health Organization, self-care is the behaviors you do to take care of your own health, and it can include hygiene, nutrition, leisure activities, sports, exercise, seeking professional healthcare services when needed, and much more. Need some self-care inspiration? We’ve rounded up a list of self-care tips meant to inspire your health and wellness anytime — while helping you feel less stressed and more resilient. RELATED: The Latest News on the Coronavirus

2. Know Your Personal Signs of Stress

Sometimes self-care is about knowing when you’re getting overloaded or overwhelmed, and responding with micro habits that prevent all-out burnout, says Cynthia Ackrill, MD, a wellness and leadership coach based in Asheville, North Carolina. For example, she says, are you starting to withdraw from friends? Are you sitting in traffic swearing? Getting more headaches or stomachaches lately? She calls this learning from what you consider to be your overwhelmed “emoji” key. (We all have a unique one that resonates with us, right?) When you feel the need to text that emoji to everyone on your contact list, take it as a cue to ask yourself what you need. Maybe you need to roll your shoulders a few times and then go take a short walk. “It’s about building up an awareness and having the self-knowledge to check in and adjust,” she says. RELATED: Gyms, Studios, and Fitness Instructors Offering Online Workouts Right Now

6. Skip, Jump, Hop, and Get Silly

Basically, if it makes you feel like a kid and a little silly, it can be a mood booster. Play in any form can cause a cascade of positive neurochemicals, such as serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine, according to Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD, author of Habits of a Happy Brain, who is based in Oakland, California. Even just a minute of childlike activity can cause a good-chemicals surge, especially if you’re feeling stressed.

7. Take a Forest Bath

The Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” simply means walking in an area with trees and deeply inhaling the air. Trees release certain chemicals, like terpenes, that have been associated with the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which sends your body into “chill-out” de-stress mode. The practice is so powerful that forest bathing has been shown to decrease measures of depression, according to research published in June 2019 in Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine.

8. Play a Game

Monopoly as an anti-stress strategy? A survey by game developer RealNetworks found that 64 percent of respondents cited game playing as a way to relax, while 53 percent play for stress relief. Although part of the appeal is playing with friends and family in person, there are also tons of virtual options, like Words With Friends, or get your friends together and choose a game from Houseparty you can play in real time.

10. Swap Out One Coffee for Decaf

Caffeine is one of the most researched substances, with more than 10,000 studies to date, according to a review published in November 2017 in Food and Chemical Toxicology. Not surprisingly, that’s led to a wide range of conclusions, but one that’s fairly consistent is that having too much can lead to less-than-ideal effects, the researchers conclude. They note that getting more than 400 milligrams of caffeine daily can affect your central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, and sleep quality. Check your consumption with this chart from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (and remember that not every cup of coffee is equivalent when it comes to caffeine content; it depends on the roast of coffee and how strongly it’s brewed). Too much caffeine can even increase anxiety and stress. So enjoy your buzz, but try limiting your daily amount.

11. Enjoy the Healing Power of Baking

“Self-care comes with the idea of nourishing yourself, on every level. And doing something creative can promote that feeling of well-being,” says productivity expert Tonya Dalton, of Asheville, North Carolina, author of The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less. “That can include baking, because for many people that act of creating something delicious feels like pressing a reset button.” Plus, she adds, it’s an easy project for including other family members, like a spouse or kids. That can give you a sweet burst of social time that ends with a delicious result.

12. Reach for High-Protein Snacks When You Need an Energy Boost

What should you be noshing on when you feel hungry? Keep high-protein bites on hand to help you get to the end of your to-do list for the day. You’ve heard it before: Protein helps you feel full longer and avoid the energy crash you might experience after the high of a carb-heavy snack subsides. Think hard-boiled eggs, nuts, Greek yogurt, and nut butters and veggies. (Bonus: You’re literally feet from your fridge, so there’s no need to pack snacks ahead of time or tote them around for the day.)

14. Leave Stress-Inducing Foods in Not-So-Convenient Places

Though you may be inclined to indulge in treats or your favorite cocktail, know that this may be counterproductive. Foods that exacerbate or mess with stress in a less-than-savory way include caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars. You don’t have to cut them out completely, but do limit your intake and enjoy them in moderation. RELATED: How to Manage Anxiety During the Coronavirus Pandemic

15. Add More Fruits and Veggies to Your Day

Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet is a long-term strategy that supports your mental health, according to a cross-sectional survey published in April 2018 in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. A produce-packed diet supplies antioxidants that guard against oxidative stress and prevent our gut bacteria from becoming unhealthy, both of which have been linked to conditions like depression. Some more great options to nosh on include bananas, apples, dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, and fresh berries, according to the 2018 research. RELATED: High-Antioxidant Foods That Prove Food Is Medicine

16. Whip Up a Mocktail With Health-Boosting Ingredients

Give your liver a break and try mixing a healthy mocktail. Steer clear of sugary juices and syrups and opt for healthier choices like hibiscus tea, kombucha, sparkling water, and fresh fruits. You can also combine fun flavors like grapefruit and mint, or green tea and oranges. RELATED: 10 Mocktail Recipes So Good You Won’t Believe They’re Booze-Free

17. Cook Yourself a Nourishing Meal

We need food to survive, and taking time to prepare a meal that satisfies your taste buds and is good for you is definitely one way to practice self-care. Past research has found that cooking can be therapeutic, meeting some of our fundamental needs, like giving us a sense of agency, belongingness, and connectedness — and it allows us to express our creativity. Choose a comforting recipe, whether it’s a chicken noodle soup that your mom used to make or a healthier take on mac and cheese that tastes just as good as the original version. And give yourself the time in the kitchen you need, so it doesn’t turn into a chore or feel like a slog. Savor the experience, and then savor the food you made.

18. Skip the Scale Today

If you’re someone whose morning routine includes a hop on the scale, and the results don’t affect how you feel, you can be confident that the habit works for you. However, for some people, self-weighing is a source of stress and something that drives down their self-esteem, as noted in a meta-analysis published in April 2016 in the journal Health Psychology Review. If stepping on the scale puts you in a negative frame of mind, consider skipping the weigh-in today. You might just feel really free.

19. Go Punk Like Lady Gaga: Practice Kindness and Gratitude

Lady Gaga says she practices being kind to others and being grateful for what’s going right in her life. Clinical studies have found that people who regularly practice gratitude journaling (writing down what you’re grateful for) report better well-being, physical health, and increased optimism about the future. Practicing kindness is sometimes easier said than done (particularly when we’re in tight quarters and tension is high), but remember that everyone is going through a tough time right now.

20. Develop a ‘Don’t Do’ List

Self-care doesn’t have to be an action item. It can be about freeing up space for the things that matter in your life and removing those that steal your energy. After an especially draining day, take a few minutes to reflect: What dragged you down? How can you do less of that? Go ahead and physically write down a “don’t do” list, something that can serve as a reminder that holds you accountable. “This list helps you get unstuck. You may not get this perfect the first time, but you can keep making adjustments until you’re doing more of the things that perk you up,” says Dr. Ackrill.

21. Practice Positive Self-Talk

A major aspect of self-care is the “self” part, and that includes how you view yourself and, importantly, the language you use when talking to yourself, says Jen Sincero, a Santa Fe–based life coach and the author of You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. Appreciate the small tasks you do during the day and remember to tell yourself “good job” — whether it’s a work task, making time for exercise, or keeping your patience when disciplining your child. Celebrate your daily successes with positive self-talk. It might feel weird at first, but your brain will soak up that self-care goodness, and research suggests it can help begin to turn your thoughts and feelings in a happier direction (according to a paper on the topic published in 2014 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). RELATED: 9 Tips to Help You Start Working Out and Stick With It

22. Automate Your Joy

If you’re caring for loved ones all the time, it can be tough to put that attention on yourself with self-care. “One way to get around that resistance is to automate as much of the legwork as you can,” says Chloe Carmichael, PhD, a psychologist in New York City and author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety. One of the things she does is set a smart home device to play music at a certain time every day.

23. Change Your Passwords to Be Your Mantra

This one is good for your mental health and your digital security. For a password you use regularly — such as unlocking your laptop or accessing online banking — change it to an option that’s meaningful but still security-minded. For example, if your mantra is “I am enough, every day,” use the first letters of those words and pair it with numbers and symbols, as in: 20#IAeeD&21. Repetition is a powerful trigger for your brain, according to Breuning. If you think of that phrase numerous times a day when using your password, it’s easy to have it “soak in” as an affirmation.

24. Make One of Your Pens a ‘Magic’ One

Choose a pen at random and designate it is your “magic” pen that you use only for writing positive things. Yes, we acknowledge that this one sounds hokey (and no one’s done a clinical trial yet to back it up). But this method can help some people change their mindset in a positive way, and it’s worth giving it a try in case it works for you, says Sincero. We create powerful connections with objects — just think of your favorite toy as a kid or a memento from a special trip. And we can tap into this positive connection whenever we want, just by “assigning” a significant attribute to that object and using it in that way. Try out your new magic pen by writing a love note to yourself first.

25. Take a Few Minutes to Practice Diaphragm Breathing

Calm and measured breathing can have immediate effects on your mental and physical state, whether the tension comes from the relentless news cycle or your ever-present housemates. Do your breathing practice regularly to start or finish your day in a positive way, or try it in a moment when you need a little more zen. Need guidance? Certain meditation apps, such as Calm, have free web-based resources that will help you along.

26. Try Alternate-Nostril Breathing

Deep breathing is very useful for slowing down the nervous system, says Henry Emmons, MD, a psychiatrist in Minneapolis and the author of The Chemistry of Calm. If anxious thoughts keep pinging around, try this alternative strategy, he suggests. First, exhale completely, then inhale deeply. On your next exhale, gently place an index finger against your right nostril to close it off. Inhale using just your left nostril. Then move your index finger to the left nostril to close that one off and exhale through only the open right nostril. Continue alternating sides and repeat for 15 rounds. RELATED: 5 Ways to Practice Breath-Focused Meditation RELATED: A Guide to 7 Different Types of Meditation

28. Try Chilling Out With Music

Turn off the TV with the talking head in favor of some mood-boosting tunes. Music therapy employs music to help people cope with physical or emotional needs, according to a definition from the University of Minnesota. And it’s actually been found to lessen symptoms in people with mood problems, such as anxiety and depression, as well as lift self-esteem. And you probably don’t need a clinical study to tell you that blasting your favorite jam will put a smile on your face.

29. Relax With an Audiobook

Audiobooks can transport you somewhere else just like paper books can — and they may have additional benefits, too. Carmichael suggests turning on an audiobook, then laying down and closing your eyes to listen. “If you have racing thoughts, sometimes your inner monologue needs something else to latch onto for a while,” she says. You may even find it easier to focus on the story because you don’t have to keep your eyes open.

30. Practice Mindful Listening

Mindful listening is another way to soak in the present moment and let go of lingering worry and stress, says Dr. Emmons. Take a few seconds and sit back, really listening to all the sounds around you, even if that’s just the hum of an overhead fan or the panting of the dog at your feet. Try to integrate this into your day as tiny, 10-second breaks. The more you do it, the more habitual it will become, Emmons says.

31. Take a Vacation Day

Nowhere to go? No problem. Even if you’re staying at home and catching up on Netflix, schedule a “me” day where you take one of your allotted vacation days from work, book a babysitter if you’re the caregiver at home (if you can), or pledge as a family to take one weekend day “off” with no appointments, nowhere to be, and no agenda. It can be even harder to take off when you’re working from home, but planned time off can help you come back more energized, positive, motivated, and less stressed, according to a report from the American Psychological Association in June 2018.

32. Stand Up and Stretch

Although embarking on a full-on workout is helpful for taking care of yourself, sometimes all you need is just to change your body position for about 15 to 30 seconds to give yourself a restart, Emmons says. When you make a conscious and physical shift, like standing up and stretching, your mind recognizes the change and responds in a beneficial way. Consider it a mini break for mind and body alike. Try standing up and stretching your arms high overhead, bending over to touch your toes, or sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position for a hip-opening stretch. RELATED: 5 Quick Stress-Reducing Yoga Poses

33. Call a Friend or Family Member — Social Connection Can Do Wonders for Your Mental Well-Being

There’s ample research connecting social interactions with mental and physical well-being, and even longer life. A study published in September 2017 in the journal American Psychologist noted that high-quality, close relationships and feelings of social connection are so much associated with a range of benefits that it should be considered a public health priority. Make it a priority for yourself, and perhaps even create a schedule for catching up regularly.

34. Give a Hug

Hugs were off the table for a long time, as the pandemic made it potentially unsafe to embrace even your closest loved ones. If you and the person you are hugging are both vaccinated (or live in the same household), bring that hug back. “It’s been a really hard year. A hug can offer some emotional relief, comfort, and connection,” says Ackrill.

35. Make Time for a Massage

Just 10 minutes of shoulder massage may be enough to increase relaxation, decrease stress, and improve heart rate variability, suggests a study published in September 2020 in the journal Scientific Reports. Heart rate variability (HRV) is the measure of the variation in time between heartbeats, according to Harvard Health Publishing; better HRV signals that your nervous system is in a calming rest-and-digest mode, rather than a stressed-out fight-or-flight mode. Treat yourself to a professional massage, pick up a massage gun, or ask your partner or a loved one for a quick shoulder rub.

37. Avoid Nonstop News Consumption

It’s important to stay informed and alert to critical updates in your area, especially those that affect your health. But no one needs to listen to the same alerts and see the same headlines repeatedly, especially during times when the news can be upsetting. Experts recommend limiting news consumption to two or three sources a day to help cope with the anxiety it may bring, and checking in at regular times (not continuously) throughout the day for updates. Consider making one of your sources a local news source. And if you can, avoid checking the headlines just before bed. RELATED: How to Avoid Headline Anxiety During a Global Pandemic

38. Take a 15-Minute Microbreak

If you find your motivation dips in the middle of the day, take a break and lay down. (Be sure to set an alarm if you feel like you might doze off!) These mini rest periods — or microbreaks — can help lessen fatigue and reenergize you to stay on target for the rest of the day at work, according to a study published in March 2021 in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

39. Have a Weekly Planning Meeting (With Yourself)

Schedule a one-on-one with yourself at the beginning of the week (or the end of the week, looking at the following one). Check your schedule and decide if there are areas where you can be proactive now that will allow you to care for yourself in moments when you otherwise might be too crazed to do so. For instance, says Ackrill: Maybe you don’t have time to eat lunch on Tuesday. Throw healthy, nourishing snacks, like a protein bar or nuts, in your bag ahead of time.

40. Reap the Health Benefits of Laughter by Watching Funny YouTube Videos

When it comes to stress relief, laughter may seem like a whimsical fix, but it really works, according to the Mayo Clinic. Short-term, you’re enhancing your intake of oxygen-rich air, which helps your heart, lungs, and muscles. Plus, you’re releasing feel-good hormones like endorphins, which can ease tension and add to an overall sense of well-being. Research has even linked humor and laughter to improved immune function, since it can produce antibodies and activate the body’s protective T-cells.

41. Practice a Positive Affirmation

Spending some quiet time with yourself might be all you need. Ackrill likes to teach her clients this meditation as a positive affirmation: Pat your heart and say, “It’s okay. I am enough. I have enough.” “This is a nice mantra to use when you notice you’re not feeling okay,” Ackrill says.

42. Try Creative Writing

Creative writing offers unique benefits, says Phil Jamieson, founder of copyediting service ProofreadNow in Mount Vernon, New Hampshire. He says it can foster self-expression, build confidence, clarify thoughts, and bolster empathy and communication skills. Research published in 2005 in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment linked this type of writing to improved emotional and mental health. You don’t have to be a pro to give it a try. Get out a notebook or open up a Word document and channel your inner Shakespeare, Dickens, or Beyoncé. You can even make it a social endeavor by joining an online writing class.

43. Treat Yourself by Buying a New Outfit Online

When you’re working from home, exercising from home, eating at home, socializing at home (sense a theme?), it’s easy to get into a PJs-all-day kind of rut, Carter notes. “It seems superficial, but how we dress does impact our self-esteem,” she says. Just because you’re not heading out doesn’t mean you can’t spiff up a bit. Try buying a new outfit that’s comfy enough for the couch but also makes you feel good.

44. Recall a De-Stress Success

Remember, mindset really is everything. Dwelling on stress or dreading how long you might have to put up with it can actually make the stress worse. It’s very common, says Michelle Gielan, author of Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change: You’ve handled tough situations before, and recalling them can help lower your stress levels and also make you feel more resilient and upbeat overall, she says. Gielan suggests writing down a list of wins that have arisen from stressful situations you’ve conquered — from acing a huge presentation to making a big move to overcoming an injury — as a quick reminder that you have the skills you need. RELATED: 20 Tips for Building and Cultivating Your Resilience

45. Figure Out What Works Best for You When It Comes to Hacking Stress

Everyone deals with stress in different ways, and the stress-buster that works for you may not work for your best friend. Take Everyday Health’s stress personality test, developed with mental health expert Heidi Hanna, PhD, a member of the Everyday Health Wellness Advisory Board, to help you better understand your stress personality and some of the best ways to cope with the challenges you face. RELATED: Is Stress Making You Sicker? Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

46. Get Your Finances in Order for More Peace of Mind

Financial wellness isn’t just about how much you have socked away in savings or retirement; it’s about how secure you feel when it comes to your finances. That involves the perception that you have enough money to do what you want, so you don’t have to worry about falling short. According to a survey by PwC, financial matters are the top source of stress for many people — so stressful, in fact, that it was worse than all other stressors combined. Getting control can help. Start with a free personal-finance app that can boost your budget skills, such as Mint or PocketGuard.

47. Train Your Brain to Be More Resilient

Being resilient means navigating life’s ups and downs with strength and conviction. Take the Everyday Health Resilience Assessment to learn what skills you can work on to become more resilient. This tool was developed with Everyday Health Advisory Board member Amit Sood, MD, executive director of the Global Center for Resiliency and Well-Being and a former professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. (There’s likely never been a better time to boost these skills!)

49. Check Out These Editors’ Top Movie Picks With a Resilience Theme

Not in the mood for reading? Immerse yourself in these inspiring TV shows and movies about strength in harrowing circumstances. The stories about how others have faced adversity and persevered in spite of it are ones we can all learn from.

50. Declutter a Pesky Part of Your Home

Can tidying up really change your mood? According to the Mayo Clinic, clutter can lead to more stress and anxiety, and when people describe their spaces as “disorganized,” they’re more likely to have higher levels of cortisol, the hormone related to the stress response. It can make you feel more distracted, and it may even affect your sleep. Take 15 minutes a day to tackle the messiest part of your home — even if it’s just a junk drawer that’s always full. RELATED: Why Decluttering Is an Important Part of Self-Care (and When It Isn’t)

51. Join a (Virtual) Book Club

Swap opinions and discover great reading by joining a virtual book club. Some are run by small local bookshops, while others are much larger and national — for example, Quarantine Book Club, where you’re joined by the author. Or why not recruit a group of friends and start your own?

52. Learn a New Language

Learning some phrases in a new language can put you in a vacation-prep frame of mind. Or spend some time practicing a language you already have some knowledge of. It’s another way to challenge your brain and hone a practical skill. A review article published in December 2017 in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that language learning may promote healthy cognitive aging, and it could even have a role in delaying the onset of dementia. Voila!

53. Travel Through Food

Even if you can’t travel abroad, you can take a trip there. “I’m eager to return to vacations and family gatherings. However, in the meantime, I’m learning how to adjust my expectations and goals to focus on enjoying the simple things in life,” says Lara Effland, a clinical director of Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center in Denver. One of the ways Effland does that is by mixing up what’s on the menu. She suggests looking up a recipe from a place you’ve never been to before or would love to travel to right now, making the dish, and letting your taste buds take you away.

54. Take an Online College Course (for Free)

Staying a lifelong student is a great way to boost your brain power and practice self-care, according to Scott Kaiser, MD, director of geriatric cognitive health for Pacific Neuroscience Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. Best of all, plenty of colleges and universities across the globe have put free courses online, so you can audit classes from Stanford, MIT, Harvard University, Sorbonne University, and many more, via platforms like Coursera and edX. Try starting with Yale’s incredibly popular free class about happiness, The Science of Well-Being. Dr. Kaiser says that the brain responds favorably to cognitive challenges (like learning new materials), and in turn, that can increase your levels of hormones like serotonin and dopamine.

56. Send a Card

Self-care can mean doing something nice for the ones you love. “This can be as simple as writing and sending a card,” says Effland. Not only does it strengthen your connection with the person you’re corresponding with, but knowing you might be brightening their day can have the same effect on yours, she says.

57. Listen to an Uplifting Podcast

There’s plenty of difficult and challenging news in the world today, and it can be tough to take a break from it. But it’s worth making the effort. One good way? Listen to a podcast that not only gives you good advice on self-care but also makes you feel lighter and brighter. Here are some picks to get you started: Feel Better, Live More, Where There’s Smoke, Inspire Nation, and Good Life Project.

58. Donate to a Cause You Believe In

Feeling generous? It’s not just the recipients who will thank you — your brain will appreciate it, too. A study published in October 2018 in Psychosomatic Medicine found that all types of generosity have feel-good effects, but when the cause is especially meaningful to you or you know the recipient personally, it has an additional effect of decreasing stress and anxiety. Other research has found that spending money on others, rather than yourself, can have a significant impact on your happiness level.

59. Get a New Subscription

Looking for some extra motivation to stick to a new hobby or workout? There are plenty of subscription options ranging in price and theme — and designed to help you stick with your health, wellness, or fitness goals (like meditation apps or fitness studios’ online class offerings). You can even make it a way to pick up new hobbies — check out Adults and Crafts, for example, which sends DIY crafts every month, or The Plant Club, a way to expand your indoor plant collection monthly.

60. Skip the Kitchen — Order Your Favorite Takeout Dish Instead

In much the same way that donating to a cause that feels personal to you will give you a greater sense of meaning, so will supporting a local restaurant that’s part of your community. Plus, you get tasty food without the effort. Win-win!

61. Outsource

If your weekends are lost to a sea of chores, housework, or repairs — and if your budget allows — consider hiring help, Carmichael says. If scrubbing your floors and bathroom(s) is the item on your to-do list you always seem to put off, but it’s driving you nuts that it’s not getting done, consider hiring someone to help clean your home — either on a regular basis or just on occasion when you need the extra hands. Or consider other options that can help you outsource some of your everyday tasks, like meal delivery kits, takeout, or gardening help. Even if it’s an expense, the time it might open up for you to relax or catch up on a project that you find more rewarding may be worth your while.

62. Start or Maintain Your Home Garden

Whether you have a magnificent and expansive yard or you’re nestled into an urban jungle, you can tailor a home garden to your needs. Multiple studies have shown that gardening has mental health benefits, according to a review article published in March 2017 in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports. “Tending plants, indoors or outdoors, brings a level of engagement to the task, and that adds to the benefits we see with interacting with nature,” says Viren Swami, PhD, a researcher and professor of social psychology at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England. Outdoors? Try a quick garden builder like the Seedsheet (starting at $24.99), which gives you a head start on your green thumb with seeds embedded in weed-blocking fabric. Indoors, you can start a shelf of succulents or try an herb garden with your culinary favorites. Check out optimal lighting conditions and what type of maintenance is required for seeds and plants before you buy (that information can usually be found on package labels or online descriptions).

63. Try Virtual Therapy and Stress Management Tools

Online therapy tools and virtual therapy apps are relatively new, but there’s mounting evidence that they deliver measurable benefits to those who use them, particularly with shorter-term stress management, according to a review published in 2018 in the journal Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. Several online therapy tools and mental wellness apps can help you learn coping skills and stress management. Choose one that fits your needs.

64. Talk About It

The pandemic has sent anxiety and depression levels upward, and it’s also led to more people feeling like they’re just not thriving. (In a 2020 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40 percent of U.S. adults reported struggling with mental health or substance abuse.) Even if you’ve never sought counseling or therapy for mental health before, now may a really useful time to do so, says Jennifer Gentile, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. We’re experiencing really tough circumstances and it’s taking an emotional toll on us, she adds. “Insurance is covering this more now, and there’s a higher level of comfort many people find in being able to stay home and do an appointment via telehealth,” says Dr. Gentile, who is currently treating adults and adolescents virtually using the hospital’s telehealth platform. You don’t have to make a long-term commitment (counseling can consist of a few sessions or even just one) or wait until you feel like you’re struggling more. Sometimes, it’s just nice to have a check-in, Gentile says.

65. Speak Your Mind

With so much going on in the world, it’s totally understandable that your head may be full of unpleasant emotions. Instead of trying to push those thoughts out of your mind, speak what you’re feeling aloud. Past research shows that this technique decreases the activity in the amygdala (the part of the brain that detects threats and kicks off your body’s stress response). Next time you feel angry or upset, try verbalizing those feelings to a trusted friend or loved one. This can help you process them more effectively and feel better emotionally — after all, as the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved.

66. Reframe Your Anxiety

We often think of anxiety as a negative mental state we’re eager to move out of, but it’s not always bad. “Anxiety can be a healthy thing to feel,” says Carmichael. It can be a signal that maybe you need to prepare a little more for something (like a big presentation), be on guard (like if you’re trying an activity you’ve never done before), or get moving (like if you’re growing restless in a stale job or relationship), she says. “You wouldn’t have anxiety if you didn’t have goals and things you wanted to do,” she says. You can use the restlessness of anxiety as a gift. Next time you feel that anxious energy cropping up, name your anxiety. Then ask yourself: How can I point this energy at the right target? Maybe sometimes that’s using it to meet a deadline or get one step closer to a goal. Maybe other times it is learning to breathe through it.

67. Try Aromatherapy

Certain scents can have a calming effect, according to a review published in January 2017 in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In that analysis, which looked at studies that had evaluated the effects of aromatherapy on depressive symptoms, aromatherapy was shown to offer relief in a wide variety of participants, and the use of essential oils for massage was the most beneficial. Consider scents like lavender, jasmine, lemon balm, clary sage, and bergamot. RELATED: Can Essential Oils Help Asthma?

68. Light a Fire

In a study published in Energy Research & Social Science in November 2020 of nearly 150 people in Sweden who own fireplaces, people often performed trivseleldning, or “cozy fire-making,” at the end of the workday to create an atmosphere of coziness and well-being. In the study, they reported associating a fire with characteristics like harmony, calmness, happiness, and joy. No fireplace? If you can, stream Netflix or YouTube on your TV. There are a number of videos you can play of a roaring fire in a fireplace, complete with crackling sounds.

69. Show Self-Love by Giving Yourself a Mani-Pedi at Home

Taking care of your body in a way that feels like a luxurious break can boost feelings of well-being, Dalton says. Are your nails in need of a little TLC? There are oodles of DIY tutorials and tips for a home mani-pedi, like this guide from the beauty blogger Love & Specs.

70. Give Yourself a DIY Facial

Why limit your home spa experience to a DIY mani-pedi when you might have all the ingredients for a facial in your pantry? Face masks can be really beneficial for your skin because they’re occlusive, meaning they seal in their ingredients against your skin until you wash off the mask — giving those ingredients time to absorb. Check out some recipes like the oatmeal and turmeric face mask from Karissa’s Vegan Kitchen, the oatmeal avocado face mask from Fit Foodie Finds, or a range of honey-based face masks from Don’t Mess With Mama.

71. Take a Long, Relaxing Bath

Why is a warm bath so incredibly relaxing? Research suggest one reason may be that it reduces inflammation. According to a study in the December 2018 issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology, just one hot bath can calm your stress response. Another reason is that you’re simply allowing yourself to take a break, Carter says. “You’re taking time away from your to-do list and things you think you ‘should’ be doing,” she says. “When that happens, you automatically feel like you’re dropping into self-care mode.”

72. Start (or Restart) a Daily Flossing Habit

Flossing itself may not be your favorite thing to do, but you likely feel better (and your teeth, cleaner) after doing it, making it an example of one of those small, health-enhancing behaviors that help you take care of you. It’s a ritual that way too many people skip, according to Tripti Meysman, DDS, founder of the Minneapolis-based CityTooth dentistry practice. But she says it’s crucial for more than oral health. Flossing (along with brushing and keeping up with your professional cleanings) helps reduce the amount of bacteria in the whole body. More than 500 bacterial species can be found in dental plaque, according to the American Dental Association. Flossing doesn’t get rid of them completely, Dr. Meysman says, but it can go a long way toward improving oral health overall.

73. Show Your Animals Some TLC

Feeling tense? Playing with your pet or just spending some extra time taking care of them shows you care and may help ease your anxieties, too. There’s evidence that taking time playing with dogs may help reduce stress, increase energy and happiness, and even boost how socially supported people feel — a winning combination for days when you need to be productive and focused while hunkering down at home. The bottom line: Make time for your animal friends; it’s time well-spent.

74. Schedule a Doctor’s Appointment

The pandemic has made many people skip routine medical care. So the big question is: Are you up-to-date on all of your annual appointments and necessary-for-your-age screenings? If you’ve put off any of your routine appointments, take the time to schedule them now.

75. Straighten Up

Working at your desk in a slumped posture can drag down your day, making it tougher to shake off negative emotions, according to a randomized controlled trial published in November 2017 in the journal Cognition and Emotion. And hunching over your computer or phone all day can also cause soreness and stiffness, a condition known as “tech neck.” To pick yourself up into positivity, straighten up your spine and pull your shoulders back. Feeling better yet? RELATED: The Best At-Home Exercises for a Stronger Back

76. Indulge Yourself (Mindfully and in Moderation)

Do you love a fancy decaf latte in the midafternoon? Are you craving a morning cookie from that bakery around the corner? Or would buying a nice scented candle at that cute boutique put a smile on your face? So long as your budget allows, giving yourself a little gift can make your day. It doesn’t have to be expensive or flashy — just something small that honors you today. Choose something specific that you know will bring you joy, then mindfully stop and enjoy the experience of shopping for or indulging in the treat. Take time to be present throughout the experience.