One solution: Set goals for yourself and outline the steps you’ll take to achieve them, says Amy Walters, PhD, director of Behavioral Health Services at St. Luke’s Humphreys Diabetes Center in Boise, Idaho. The more realistic and specific your goals are, the better, she adds. For the best chance at success, experts say, make your goals SMART — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Start by thinking about what matters most to you. Your type 2 diabetes goals and priorities should match. For instance, you might want to lose weight to better control your diabetes but also to keep up with your children or grandchildren. The more invested you are in achieving your goals, the more likely you’ll get there, Dr. Walters says.

7 Steps for Goal Setting

Follow these steps to set goals you can achieve: Be proactive. Consider any potential barriers to reaching your goals, says Alyssa Gallagher, RD, LD, a certified diabetes educator at St. Luke’s Humphreys Diabetes Center in Boise, Idaho. Then find ways to work around them. If your goal is to exercise, but you know that’s difficult because your schedule is packed with work and family commitments, brainstorm some ideas. For example, designate a few days of the week where you can get up early and go for a 15- or 20-minute walk before getting ready in the morning. “Scheduling your exercise like you would a dentist or a doctor’s appointment can also help you fit it into your day,” Gallagher says. Be specific. Rather than saying, “I’m going to eat healthier,” say, “I’m going to eat at least four servings of fruits and vegetables every day for the next two weeks.” Break it up. Don’t try to do it all at once. Rather than set 50 pounds as your weight-loss goal, make it 5 to 10 pounds at a time, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends. As you achieve your goal, you’ll want to add new targets. Be realistic. If you’ve never exercised, you’re not going to run a marathon right away, Gallagher says. Start instead with a plan to walk 10 to 30 minutes twice a week and work up to at least 45 minutes to an hour of brisk walking most days of the week. Plan rewards. It’s important to acknowledge your successes along the way, according to the ADA. When you achieve your goals, reward yourself. However, it’s better if your rewards aren’t food-related, Gallagher adds. Instead, treat yourself to a movie, a new pair of shoes, a manicure, or another activity you enjoy. Review your progress. How often you review your progress will depend on you and the goal you set, according to the ADA. However, one of the advantages of SMART goals is that it’s easy to measure your progress. Allow for setbacks. Change is a process, Walters says. “Most people expect they will make straightforward upward progress, but that’s not what we see.” Rather, almost everyone gets off track sometimes. The key is to not focus on your failures, she notes. When you fail, recognize that you’re going to make mistakes — and move forward. Also, think about what may have caused you to fall off the wagon — and use that information to prevent it from happening the next time, Walters suggests. For instance, if a stressful situation caused you to stray from your healthy eating plan, find ways to reduce stress in the future.

Making Your Goals Work for You

Setting specific, achievable goals is key. Use these examples to help you shape your own personal goal-setting. Too vague: “I’m going to test my blood sugar more often.” Better: “I’m going to test my blood sugar first thing in the morning. Once I do that for a week, I’ll add a second test each day until I reach my long-term goal of three times a day,” or however many times your doctor recommends. Too vague: “I’ll eat fewer carbs.” Better: “I’ll aim for 45 to 60 grams of carbs per meal.” That’s the amount recommended by the ADA, although your personal goal might be different. Of course, to achieve your goal, you’ll first need to learn how many carbs are in the foods you eat, and you’ll need to read labels — your doctor or certified diabetes educator can help. Too vague: “I want to lose weight.” Better: “I want to lose 10 pounds over the next six months.” Work with a nutritionist to learn the best weight-loss strategies. “The more specific you can be,” Walters says, “the easier it’s going to be to achieve your goals and hold yourself accountable.” Additional reporting by Brian Dunleavy