It all starts with finding a doctor you’re comfortable with and establishing a good relationship. Not surprisingly, communication is key, says Elyse Rubenstein, MD, a rheumatologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. It’s essential to feel comfortable talking to your doctor about little things as well as big things, from how you’re handling the stresses of life to how you’re feeling in general. You also don’t want to hesitate to alert the doctor to any new symptoms you’re experiencing. When there’s trust between you and your doctor, this should happen smoothly, says Dr. Rubenstein. From there, it’s important to establish what to do when new symptoms crop up.

When to Get Immediate Help for RA

Certain signs and symptoms should spur you to get to the doctor or an emergency room right away, no matter what day or time it is. Do this if you have:

Fever, chills, or pain that’s new and unexpected “In people with autoimmune conditions like RA, warning signs that would require immediate medical assistance include fever, severe chills, or unexplained pain or swelling in one joint,” says Orrin Troum, MD, a rheumatologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.A severe drug reaction If you take medication and develop swelling in your throat, trouble breathing, or intense pain in your chest or abdomen — or sudden pain anywhere else in your body — you need to get help right away. These symptoms could be signs of a serious problem, such as a drug allergy. The same is true for intense or severe vomiting or hives, says Dr. Troum.

Schedule a checkup if:

You have pain that’s not getting better. If you have joint pain that hasn’t improved with lifestyle changes such as exercising or other types of treatment, or if your treatment regimen doesn’t seem to be working as well as it used to, Rubenstein recommends contacting your doctor for guidance.You experience pain in a new area. Troum has similar advice for people experiencing a mild RA flare. He recommends seeing a doctor within a week (the sooner the better) if you have newly tender or swollen joints.You seem to be reacting to your RA treatment. If you’re experiencing what seems to be a mild reaction or side effect to a medication you’re taking, reach out to your doctor to explain what’s happening and find out if you should schedule an appointment to get checked out, says Troum. Sometimes a phone call alone is enough, but other times it’s a good idea to be seen in person.You’re starting a new lifestyle approach for RA management. “Anytime a person with RA wants to start a new exercise program or a holistic treatment plan, it’s important to discuss it with his or her doctor first,” Rubenstein says. “Certain exercises aren’t beneficial for someone with RA. And some complementary [or alternative] therapies may not be a good fit with certain RA medications.”

The bottom line: If you’re in doubt about a new sign or symptom of RA, or something develops that could affect your health or that you don’t understand, be sure to call your primary care doctor or rheumatologist.