According to the AGA, symptoms of EPI can include:

GasBloatingDiarrheaAbdominal painGreasy, oily stoolsFoul-smelling stoolsUnexplained weight loss

Learn More About Symptoms of EPI.

Chronic pancreatitisCystic fibrosisPancreatic cancer

Learn More About Causes of EPI.

Fecal Elastase Test This is a stool test that detects the enzyme elastase that is released during digestion. Typically, this enzyme is found in stool, so if there is little or none present, it could mean you have EPI.Fecal Fat Test This test looks at the amount of fat in stool. Since fat isn’t being absorbed by the body with EPI, fatty stools may be a sign of the condition.Secretin Pancreatic Function Test This test measures the pancreas’s response to secretin. This hormone is responsible for triggering the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas to the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. During the test, secretin is administered into the body through an intravenous, or IV, line. A healthcare provider collects duodenum fluids during an endoscopic ultrasound to be tested for enzymes.

Learn More About Treatment for EPI.