“The physical act of writing promotes brain health,” explains Juliann Hansen-Zlatev, an occupational therapist (OT) in Castle Rock, Colorado. So do other fine-motor activities of the fingers and hands, such as knitting or woodworking. For those living with multiple sclerosis (MS), though, a variety of MS symptoms can make writing by hand hard, even if the writing involves only signing a birthday card, endorsing a check, or drawing up a grocery list. Hansen-Zlatev says that numbness and delayed motor control are the two most significant symptoms that affect the ability to write. Discussing numbness she says, “For people with MS, it can feel like wearing a pair of gloves while trying to do things like write with a pen or sprinkle salt onto food.” As for delayed motor control, she says, “People with MS may feel as if their hands are clumsy and thick. It can be hard to do things rapidly.” Tremors, which can also be caused by MS, can impede smooth writing, and they take two forms, says Hansen-Zlatev. One form is an intention tremor. “This is when you go to reach for something and suddenly your hand is all over the place and shaky.” Another kind of tremor that makes writing tricky is a more generalized tremor, causing constant shakiness. RELATED: Getting a Handle on MS Tremors and Shakes

Small Adjustments Can Make a Big Difference in Writing Ability

Despite the obstacles, some simple adjustments can make writing easier. An occupational therapist is best equipped to help you find the adjustments that will help the most. Lisa Emrich, 49, who was diagnosed with MS 12 years ago, found a relatively inexpensive tool that helps her do better with writing. She uses a fat, easy-to-grip pen. “It’s an arthritis-friendly pen, shaped like a bowling pin,” she says. Still, Emrich, who works as a professional musician and music teacher and also blogs about MS, says, “My handwriting is horrendous. I can’t read it anymore. And taking notes in a lecture is so difficult. That developed with MS.” Below are some other adjustments, suggested by Hansen-Zlatev, which may make it easier for you to write by hand: Pick the right pen. Fatter pens can be helpful if you have decreased sensation in your fingers or impaired coordination. “With a thinner pen, you don’t feel it in your hand as much. A fatter pen will have more surface area available to grip,” explains Hansen-Zlatev. A pen with a textured grip can also help. Slipping a gripper onto a thin pen or a wooden pencil, the kind that children use when learning to write, can also make it easier for you to maintain your grasp on the writing implement, says Hansen-Zlatev. A weighted pen, which, as it sounds, is heavier and also thicker than an ordinary ballpoint pen, may help to dampen the effect of tremors. Slow down. “Most of us are accustomed to writing quickly,” says Hansen-Zlatev. Try slowing down and see if that makes writing by hand more satisfying and successful. Write in cursive rather than printing. “Cursive is easier. The words flow together, so it’s less fatiguing. You’re not picking the pen up and putting it down as much,” explains Hansen-Zlatev. Use wide-ruled paper. This gives you more room to write, making it easier to write more legibly. Get your body mechanics right. “Set yourself up at a sturdy desk or a table, sitting in a chair so that your whole body is well supported,” says Hansen-Zlatev. Make sure the surface holding the paper is at the right height. If you have tremors, resting your arm on that surface can help. Choose the right time of day for writing tasks, when your energy level is higher. “For some people that may be at the beginning of the day, when you haven’t had to deal with a lot of other fatiguing activities,” she says. It may also be after you have had a good rest break. RELATED: 6 Hand Exercises for Multiple Sclerosis

Seek Professional Help for Tailored Solutions

The answers to the challenges that MS poses are not one-size-fits-all. “If you have symptoms that get in the way of writing and doing other daily tasks, consult with an occupational therapist,” says Hansen-Zlatev. A professional with experience in MS rehabilitation can make recommendations based on the specifics of your symptom. For example, “Does the tremor come from your shoulder or from your hand?” Hansen-Zlatev says. Details like that matter in selecting the right tool or technique to improve your writing function. In addition, she says, “You may need to use one strategy in the morning and another one in the evening. My advice is to brainstorm with an OT.”